Skywing 101

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Daniel studied the map closely. There was a drawn-on house symbol which Daniel assumed was the location of the place where Barren lived and where Daniel's current location was. It appeared to be located in the southwestern Sand kingdom maybe a half-hour walk to the beach from it. There were also other landmarks marked on the map such as Thorn's Stronghold, The town of Possibility, and Jade Mountain Academy.

'I wonder how long it would take to get there?' Daniel thought curiously. 'based on the information in the books it must take a while even by flight, let alone on foot. Speaking of flying, maybe I should ask if Barren would be able to teach me how. I mean I won't make it far as a dragon who can't fly anyway.'

"Hey Barren," Daniel called.

"yeah, what do you need?" Said Barren as he turned to look at him.

"Would it be possible for you to teach me how to fly?" Daniel asked calmly, but inside he felt the most awkward he had ever felt in his entire life. "I mean, it's fine if you don't want to, I understa-"

"Yeah sure," Barren interrupted.

Daniel quickly turned around to look at him. "wait, really!" his face lit up as though he had just been offered a trip to Disneyland. Although he did admit that he would take learning to fly over any amusement park any day, I mean you would have to be out of your mind to not.

"yeah, I mean I haven't ever taught someone to fly but it shouldn't be too hard, come on, let's go outside"

Daniel followed him outside to the bright, warm, sunny desert. It was a much better day than the one before. Clouds provided a light shady cover to the sun's heat beating down on them.

The desert air was dry and cold but Daniel liked the feeling. It reminded him of what it felt like after coming out of the ocean onto the beach, meeting the cool breeze coming through as the warm sun fell upon his scales.

"Alright Hurricane welcome to flying one-on-one, the goal of today is to have you up in the air flying to your heart's content by sundown," Barren spoke with authority.

"Sweet, sounds good to me"

Barren continued. "right, first things first, let's practice taking off and landing. I want you to try to lift yourself off the ground with your wings before landing back on your feet."

Daniel nodded and prepared himself for he didn't know what would happen next. Flapping his wings he lifted off the ground only to just immediately fall back on all fours again. Luckily he stuck the landing so he didn't look like a lost cause to begin with. 'well that worked perfectly' he grumbled to himself.

"Alright, I want you to do the same things again except instead of flapping your wings quickly I want you to first, jump as high as you can, and second, make 2 large flaps with your wings to boost yourself higher. Now try again"

Daniel did as Barren said, and it worked a lot better than the first time with Daniel being able to get more than 10 feet off the Ground, "WOAH" Daniel yelled, as the land below him started to shrink. It felt like. Being shot up in the air by some other force. He started to fall again however as it wasn't enough to go into a full flight. Putting out his wings he was just barely able to stop himself from making a dragon-sized crater in the sand. He stood there after landing for a few seconds before looking at Barren in front of him.

"Nice job, you learned to land" Barren smiled

"That was actually kind of scary to tell you the truth, Barren..." Daniel said in a shaky voice "Maybe we can try something else?"

"Nope," Barren replied cheerfully, "you're making good progress we aren't going to stop here. I want you to try that again but tilt your limbs towards the breeze and tuck in your limbs after the first flap of your wings, that'll make you more aerodynamic and allow you to catch the wind better."

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