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The Night was cold as the cool wind blew against the groups scales.
Further in the distance were the dim lights of the Scorpion den.
Their black cloaks swayed in the wind as they flew.

The group had left a little while ago, but not before getting a brief understanding of the skills Turtle had magically given them.

At first it was weird to just happen to have the fighting skills of assassins and over and over again everyone surprised themselves with what they were able to pull off.

Even Kinkajou the smallest of the group, managed to pin both Turtle and Qibli at the same time.
This surprised and scared everyone to the core and even made Winter spit out the water he was drinking when he saw them get absolutely brawled by her.

'And that's when she wasn't even going invisible... Wow this magic really works'
Daniel thought softly as he he clutched the small piece of Skyfire that Turtle had given him in temporary replacement of the one in his bag at the scorpion den.

He thought back to definitely the most eventful practice brawl that the group had before leaving for the scorpion den.
'Me and Kinkajous little spar'

Multiple scenes flashed through his mind, however he didn't let himself dive too deep into the scene.
It was in the underground lake, at first it was just a normal basic spar as both dragons dodged each others attacks.

They had agreed on no fire or abilities and just raw fighting so it came as quite a surprise when Kinkajou suddenly went invisible.

It caught Daniel off guard when it happened. However he did realise that whenever she moved quickly there was a small translucent ripple in the air.
Kind of like the ones from when a surface of something is extremely hot and it radiates off.

If course it was barely noticeable so it was essentially impossible to see where she was going.
'She did manage to get quite a few hits in on me at that point but she made the mistake of trying to attack me from the front'

At that point he was on the edge of the lake and when he saw one of her movement ripples he ducked down beneath her.
Her scales shifted colors to a purple and orange as surprise overcame her when he was able to predict her movement.

Daniel didn't know but he was sure at least someone was shocked by what they just saw.

While she was visible Daniel grabbed her by the talon, not too harshly as to hurt her but enough so he had a good grip.
She wasn't able to move properly as Daniel had a grip on her.
He pinned her to the ground.

"So what exactly did we agree on?" Daniel said with a smirk.

"Uhm, no cheating with abilities of any kind?" she responded nervously.

"And what did you do?"

She sighed as she saw struggling against Daniels grip was futile.
"Cheated by using my abilities..."

"Mhm, and do you know what cheaters get?" Daniel asked as his smirk widened.

"Uhm... A second chance?" Kinkajou asked with a shy smile.

Daniel shook his head, "They get soaked" and with that Daniel picked her up and chucked her into the lake.

She squealed something nobody could make out before she fell into the lake with a relatively large splash.

She resurfaced with a hilarious displeased look which made everyone else laugh.

However soon he was woken up from his daydream by the sound of Winter speaking to him.

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