Storming The Stronghold

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"WHAT! NO! WE'RE NOT DOING THAT" Winter bellowed as Daniel tried to reason with him, although he wasn't complying much.

He screamed in Daniels face with a burning fury though Daniel didn't flinch.
"Look, I know we're asking for a lot here"

"DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE!" Winter butted in though Daniel continued.

"But if we don't do this Phyrria is going to burn, and at that point there will be no pint arguing cause well all be dead, so even if it is illegal I would just man up and do what needs to be done to stop the damn world from being destroyed"

Winter stared back in a sort of shock, how could someone not care about the laws of dragons, was he really this dim-witted?

No... He was just so focused on doing things for the greater good that he would blind himself on short term ideas to the point there was no talking him out of it.
Winter shot him a glare in a final attempt to make Daniel reconsider though it failed.

Daniel stared back, his mind was made up despite the idiocy of it. He was going in whether Winter liked it or not, and if he did it alone that was fine by him as well.

Winter sighed in defeat, "You know... I'm not sure how but your are really persuasive, like more then normal"

Daniel chuckled, "Persuasion my ass! Let's go, we got shit to deal with"
And with that, he took off the ground with Winter and Star following close behind.

They traversed the edge of the Ice kingdom border, slowly but surely the temperatures dropped below negative degrees.

It got to the point where Daniel struggled to keep balance in the air due to his uncontrollable shivers.
Though he pushed through it as he reminded himself why he was here.
'Daniel get yourself together, who cares if it's freezing, you got fire to warm yourself up and it's better to catch a cold then to let Phyrria catch on fire.'

He forced his shivers under somewhat of control as he pushed forward, Star and Winter flying next to him now.
"Hey... Hurricane," Star spoke, noticing the shivers Daniel was trying to hide. "Are you sure you're alright? the temperatures are getting well below freezing by now"
Winter turned his head to Daniel with a slight anxious face though it was barely noticeable.

"I'm fine" Daniel tried to sound casual though when another cold breeze flew past it was hard not to shiver.
"No you're not" Star interjected with strict manner, "Look, I know you want to help but you might be pushing yourself too far, me and Winter could follow the relic and you can head back, nobody would blame you"

"Besides" Winter interjected, "You're not built for this, Star's part Icewing unlike you, you could potentially die here" He said though quickly added, "Of course it's not like I would care but a dead Skywing would definitely stir things up.

Star shot him a significant look, "What he's saying is that you're not built for this climate and we wouldn't forgive ourselves if you died because of it"
Daniel frowned at their words, he was conflicted.
'On one hand... or talon I guess, I would be able to go back to the others and potentially help out with the prophecy, plus I can't deny that my dragon body would be able to withstand this forever.
But on the hand of things I can't fully trust them to not get themselves killed, Winter could be hesitant to do things and I can't let Star go in alone if that happens. No... I need to be with them I can't let them do this alone'

"Look, guys I appreciate your concern for me but I'll be fine, I promise," Daniel said reassuringly which just earned him a few odd glances from his peers. "Plus there's no point going back since we're already here"

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