Somewhere Over The Ocean

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The early morning sun was shining through the leaves of the trees above.
Daniel was gathering his belongings as well as cramming as much food into his bag as physically possible.

The rest of the team were also just finishing organising themselves as Daniel placed his now much heavier bag around his neck.

"Alright! Are we ready to go?" Daniel asked the others.

Peril was one of the first to respond.
"Well yeah, though in still sceptical about this whole idea... How exactly do you plan on getting us to a whole other continent?"

Daniel only smiled. "You'll all see, but for now we should get a move on."
He said as he looked past Peril to where Kinkajou was.

She was currently talking with Moon about a topic that he couldn't overhear.

"Hey Ghost! Can you come here for a moment? Need you for something." Daniel called out.

Kinkajou turned around, responding to his call with a quick, slightly puzzled nod.
A few moment later she excitedly ran over towards Daniel.
"You needed something?"

He nodded. "I know this might strike nerve but I need you to take us to the Nightwing island."

Kinkajous eyes went wide, her mind was probably being filled with the horrible memories of what happened.

Slowly she started to shake her head from side to side, her expression gradually becoming more and more worried in the process.
" No... No... Please Hurricane... Don't make me go back there..."

It was clear Kinkajou was experiencing some sort of PTSD from what the Nightwings did to her since the scales on her body started shifting to a light green, which as far as he remembered, resembled fear.

Although Daniel didn't know fully what each color meant, he knew she wasn't alright and as such quickly started to try and calm her down.

"Hey hey it's fine... Don't worry, they can't hurt you any more" Daniel said as she placed a talon on her shoulder.

The small Rainwing looked up at him, a layer of fear visible on her face.
"Hurricane... Please I can't go back there..." she pleaded.

Daniel felt bad for Kinkajou, but in order for his plan to work they needed to go there... And as far as he knew Kinkajou was the only one out of them who knew the way.

Peril eyed Kinkajou worriedly when she spotted Daniel doing his best to calm the small Rainwing down.

"Woah!? What's wrong with her?!" Peril called out.

"She's having PTSD, if you know what that is" Daniel explained briefly and quickly.

"Kinkajou listen to me... Just take deep breaths..." He said.
Though Kinkajou despite her trying to listen didn't seem to do much to help.

She instead stood there, looking back at the ground, her talons, and didn't say anything.
Nothing happened for a while... Well actually nothing happened at all.

"Hey, Kinkajou... Talk to me" Daniel tried but Kinkajou just seemed to freeze in place and was unresponsive to whatever he said.

Daniel sighed, he didn't know what to do so he turned to Peril for help but it was clear she didn't have any ideas either since the only thing she gave was a shrug.

"Don't look at me! I don't know how to help." She said as she looked around the area.
Finally, a soft smile began to form on her face.
"I may not have any ideas... But I think I know someone who might"

Then without warning Peril called out.
"Hey Turtle! Get your slimy butt over here we need you for a second!"

Luckily Turtle did hear her, however, what Daniel found surprising was the fact that nobody seemed to care or even notice Kinkajou breaking down... It worried him.
'Why don't they care..? Did something happen to them..?' he thought.
'Did the Gatekeeper do something to them...?"

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