Late Night Discussion

455 7 18

Charlotte was sitting inside one of the small huts on the forest floor.
It was raining pretty bad outside.
The sound of water droplets hitting the leaves echoed in her ears.

It was known that raindrops were supposed to calm nerves, but Charlotte was the opposite of calm.

She was confused, worried and slightly panicking as she stared at the falling droplets outside.

"You know that worrying isn't going to solve anything right?" Kori said from the other side of the hut.
She was lying down on the cold dirt which she found very comfortable.

Charlotte sighed.
"Yeah... I know I probably should have expected his reaction considering how I treated him... But I'd at least thought he'd try and work things out..."

Charlotte got up off the ground and walked towards the open doorway.
She was met with cold winds and water droplets.
She stood there for a few moments, staring out into the darkness.

"I need to find him..." Charlotte said finally.

Kori's ears perked as she looked at Charlotte.
"In this weather!? You're joking right?"

Charlotte shook her head without looking back.
"If his reputation is correct, and that he really can fly as fast as others say, then I can't afford to have him run off on me..." she said.
"I... I can't lose him... Not again..."

Charlotte looked down at the ground sadly.
However, she soon felt a wing wrap around her side.
It made her jump slightly but she hid it well.

Kori had managed to sneak up on Charlotte and pull her into a hug.
"You won't." She said reassuringly.

Charlotte smiled. "Thanks... But I can't be sure of it"
She said as she took a step outside into the harsh weather.
To her surprise, Kori followed her out.

"I'm not letting you traverse this alone," Kori said.
"Do you not see how dangerous it is right now?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes playfully.
"Oh please, how bad can it be?" she said. However, as soon as she finished speaking a thundering loud crackle was heard as lightning bloomed up above.

It threatened to strike the ground at any moment, and it was clear as can be that flying in these conditions was a death wish.

Kori shot Charlotte a look.
"I told you so"

Charlotte sighed reluctantly as she made her way back inside.
Water dripped along her scales as she walked back into the dry hut.

Charlotte shook her wings and tail to rid herself of any remaining water droplets, accidentally splashing some on Kori in the process.

Kori was about to respond when suddenly, a blurry black object ran past them into the hut.
A large gust of wind followed, blowing leaves, twigs, and dirt inside.
It wasn't like it mattered though since there was no floor and leaves littered the ground already, a few more wouldn't change much.

Kori and Charlotte whipped around to stare at what had entered their humble abode.

It was another dragon, a Leafwing to be specific.
They were huffing and puffing as they stood in the middle of the hut.

Lighting struck the ground outside and there was a vicious quake which shook the hut slightly as well as the area around it.

Charlotte and Kori ducked slightly and grabbed onto one another to stabilise themselves.

As they looked back at the Dragon, they realised that they were also looking back at them.

"Oh! Sorry for the barge in, I need a place to catch my breath..." They said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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