Rolling Out

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It was about midday, the sun was high up in the cloudless sky as it shone down upon the golden scorching desert.

Winter had recently woken up from his semi-coma however he was too injured internally to fly properly and as such was stuck travelling on foot.

Plus it was way too hot to continue their journey to the Borderland anyways. And if they needed to travel on foot they would tire themselves out. So instead the group of dragonets decided to kill some time.

This was done by having Daniel give them a two hour lecture and explanation about everything he knew regarding Secrets and knowledge.


"And that's about it really" Daniel concluded. He didn't know how long he was speaking to them for but it had to be a long time by now.

Daniel really didn't want it to come to this, where he had to explain everything to everyone.

'Well... Not Everything'  Daniel thought, he clutched his Skyfire rock tightly in his talon hoping it was blocking out Moons mind reading.

After the whole dramatic situation Daniel was indirectly forced to spill his own secrets to them.
'Of which went... Decently... I would say'

So Daniel did just that, he told them almost everything about himself.
He told them he actually wasn't from Phyrria and actually from another dimension named Earth.

He told them that he knew a lot about them because on earth there were 'Stories' about Phyrria.
'Now I wasn't exactly lying when I said that,  I just left out the bit, "we wrote the stories and you guys are all actually fake"
Because I'm pretty sure that would not go well'

In reality he really didn't say much apart from being from another dimension. Most of the time was taken up by him answering Questions... A LOT of questions.

It was mainly just questions about what earth was like and such and such, nothing too crazy. Although there were a few times where he had to completely lie for their sake.

One of these times was when Qibli asked,
"So strictly speaking, if you're from another dimension...  Doesn't that mean there are other dragon tribes?"

It was a basic question in their eyes because Daniel never said he was actually human. So he needed to come up with some quick thinking answers or else his real secret would be spilled right then and there.

"Well yes, sort of" Daniel lied. "We do have other tribes but the differences are mainly just scale color, nothing like what you have here.

Technically Daniel didn't lie to them, at least not directly. He just stated the different races in a different form.
If they believed he was talking about other dragons it was on them.

"Okay so anything else? I've been answering questions for the last hour and a half and I would really like to change the subject"
Daniel peered around at his friends who were just processing this new information but soon Daniel remembered something.

"Qibli... You still haven't told me where you got that weapon.. Or more importantly, how you got it"

Everyone turned to look at Qibli who looked slightly nervous.
"You won't believe me if I tell you" He said and that's when Winter piped up.

"Really Qibli, you're going to say the same story again. Like c'mon man, you can talk to us" Winter sounded both aggravated and reassuring which Daniel didn't even think was possible.

"Qibli at this point I'm ready to hear anything, just tell me"
Daniel said, now curious at how his friend had gotten his hands on a weapon that as a far as he was aware, didn't exist in Phyrria.

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