Groundhog Day

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Turtle opened his weary eyes before yawning and getting up off the ground.

He had earlier woken Winter up to send him off with Daniel and Star to follow what they described as a 'Tracker' and that it could possibly give them a lead on how to stop the troubling prophecy from happening.

He expected to find Qibli and maybe Moon and Kinkajou awake when he awoke but no... Instead he found himself on cool stone floors.

'W-what? Where am I?' Turtle thought as he looked around and gathered his bearings he realised he was in his sleeping cave, he was back at school.

His face fell into deep confusion as he finally took a step out into the familiar open corridors.
Analysing his surrounding a thought came to Turtles mind.

'Wait what if the others are here too? If so.. Did someone kidnap us?'
Turtle walked down down the open corridor, holes in the walls acted like windows and let what appeared to be the late morning sun shine through.

Turning the corner into Moons cave he found Peril and Winter setting up some of his enchanted fireproof playing cards.

"Oh hey Turtle! How's it going?" Peril said happily.
She placed the cards face down and dealt some out to Winter. Moon was also in he cave though she wasn't playing, she was in the back reading a scroll.

'How odd... Isn't this exactly what happened the day we met Hurricane?'
Suddenly however Turtles heartrate skyrocketed when he remembered Moon could read minds.

His hand instinctively reached for the Skyfire rock on his bracelet which earned him an odd glance from Winter who was watching him.
"You alright? You look like you just saw a ghost" he said, tilting his head to the side.

Peril and Moon also glanced up as they heard this, they were about to say something but Turtle quickly shut it down.

"I'm fine, just uhh, felt a bug on my scales" Turtle lied, "I'm fine"
He stared back at Moon who was looking intently at him.
'She must be trying to read my mind... Thank moons for Skyfire'

"Hey Moon, what are you reading about?" Turtle asked causally though there was a deeper meaning behind his words.
'If I remember correctly, Moon was reading a scroll about Ancient Dragon tribes that day. So If she's reading the same scroll then something's up'

He awaited a response quietly, Moon tried to break into his mind for a few more seconds before she gave up.

"Oh this? It's just a scroll on Dragons, nothing you'd probably be interested in." she responded before burning her head into the scroll again.

"Can I take a look at it?" Turtle asked, refusing to give up his theory.
Moon shot him an odd look.
"Really? Normally you're not interested in these sort of scrolls"

Peril and Winter also shot him odd glances, "Are you sure you're feeling alright Turtle?" Peril asked.
Turtle sighed deeply, "Yes I'm sure, I'm just feeling like reading today for some reason" he shrugged to make his act look real though he was actually lying and only wanted to read to see if it was the same scroll.

The rest of the dragons in the cave exchanged wondering glances.
"Well I don't see why not, here you go then" Moon said as she handed the scroll to Turtle.

He opened it up and started reading.
Moon looked at his eyes as they darted from line to line.
Soon however he found the title he was looking for.

There it was, the title clear as day.
'Ancient Dragon tribes and figures from before the scorching'
Turtle half smiled as it proved he was right, this was just a repeat of the day they met Hurricane.

Transported: A Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now