A Visit To Reality

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Daniel looked at Star. Her eyes were shut and she seemed lifeless. Her once yellow scales had been completely stained blue to the point where she looked like any regular Icewing.

Daniel and anyone else would of thought she was dead if it wasn't for the very subtle movement of her chest rising up and down. She was breathing... But Daniel wondered how long she would last before she eventually succumbed to her injuries.

A small pool of blue had begun to spread on the desert floor, converting every grain it touched into its own.
Daniels hurricane had finally disappeared and he was able to look around at the aftermath of the fight.
Blue and red bloodstains from him and Star covered the land before him. Like small puddles of color on an empty canvas.

Suddenly... Daniels full body began to sear with pain causing him to have to lie down on the sand next to Star. Luckily it seemed safe to do so as both dragons were way too injured to keep fighting.

"Oww..." Daniel cried quietly. His body was already in terrible shape and now looking back on himself, flying around at the speed of light probably wasn't the best idea.

His sides and back were bleeding heavily, dark red lines patterned his underscales as he struggled to breath properly.

Looking at Star one last time, he couldn't help but feel sad, blue soaked her body except for her claw tips which were stained red.

"Well..." Daniel started... coughing up blood as another blotch of red was painted on the floor of the desert arena. "I guess we're both dying now..."

Star opened her eyes to look at him. She smiled... A line of blue leaked from her mouth and down to her chin. "Yeah... I guess so..."

Daniel couldn't help but smile back. Although it was definitely not the right time for it. It just felt... right...

Soon his vision began to blur as his consciousness started to fade away.

Star looked at him, regret in her eyes... The last thing Daniel heard her say before darkness consumed him was...

"I'm sorry..." and then... Nothing but loud silence...

Daniel Woke, he was lying down face up and opened his eyes to find himself staring at a cold concrete ceiling.

'Wh-what? Concrete doesn't exist in Phyrria...? Does it?' Daniel thought, puzzled.

He sat up rubbing his eyes... He couldn't, no... He didn't believe what he saw...

He was on the floor of an enclosed room, bookshelves and posters of boy bands lined the walls. A small desk could be seen next to a human sized bed. A small window sat on one of the walls, illuminating the inside of the room with a soft moonlight glow.

Daniels mind spun as he looked around. He was still a dragon, that's for sure as he looked down to see red scales. Although his Injuries were nowhere to be seen...

'Huh... How strange'

He wasn't sure if he was still in Phyrria. Nearby a small buzz was heard. Daniel looked to see mobile phone in front of him... A small bloodstain could be seen on its screen.

'yup... Definitely not in Phyrria anymore... Just great!' Daniel thought sarcastically. Another buzz came from the phone and this time Daniel noticed something.
He crawled over to take a closer look.

The mobile phone had a pink rubber case with little pink cat ears that he would recognise anywhere. This wasn't any old mobile phone... It was his sisters...

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