New Clawmate? Who dis?

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It had been about two or three hours since Daniel had introduced himself to Hazel.
At first it was a little awkward when half the school was staring at them but luckily Tsunami was able to gain control of the situation and lead all the Queens including Hazel to her back office for a meeting.

This left Sundew, Willow, and Cricket in the middle of the great hall.
However before they left the Queens collectively agreed that the two Leafwings and one Hivewing should study at the school if they choose to do so.

Hazel agreed and since they didn't want to disobey their queen, Sundew and Willow agreed to enroll. Cricket was already extremely fascinated by the school so she was happy to join too.

Initially they wanted to distribute the new students with dragons they would be happy with.
Hazel asked if it was alright for one of them to go into Daniel's winglet since he seemed like a good dragon however it was clear that Sundew wasn't fond of Winter at all.

So instead they made the decision to place Willow in the Jade Winglet while Cricket and Sundew were placed in the Silver winglet to which Daniel did his best to hide his concern.
This was because Anemone was in the Silver winglet and if calm Rainwings already found her aggravating then he couldn't imagine how Sundew would react.

However, it wasn't his problem so he shrugged it off, Willow was moved to the Jade winglet's girls cave despite Sundews reluctance to let her girlfriend go with a bunch of 'strange dragons' without her by her side.

Although in the end it all worked out, for the most part.
Willow fit in great with the rest of the girls and got along well with everyone. Sundew was apparently getting accustomed to the Winglet with Cricket. It was clear she definitely didn't want to be here but she kept it to herself.

In the present moment Daniel was laying on his ledge, it was the first break of the school day and even though Qibli, Turtle, and Winter offered him to go grab some food from the prey centre with them Daniel turned them down saying he wasn't that hungry and just felt like sleeping.

Although that was a half lie, he really wasn't that hungry but he didn't feel like sleeping. Instead what had been on his mind were the two troubling prophecies that were clashing.

One of them threatened to burn Phyrria while the other threatened Pantala being under the Othermind's control.

However the main issue was keeping their dark secret buried deep so nobody would find out, And with more dragons and more connections Daniel was making, it became harder and harder.

'What am I going to do... I'm trying so hard to leave this place yet things keep getting in my way... how hard is it to find these dumb scrolls anyways? They seem to give me some sort of vague clue on how to leave but I can't do much until the stupid relic resets.'

Daniel sighed, he didn't know what to do.
He knew Moon and Qibli were going to get pulled into going to Pantala along With Tsunami.

Daniel knew he couldn't fool around this time, he got lucky considering all the damage that he'd done to the timeline already and couldn't afford to mess it up even more so.

That's why he needed to stay under the radar as someone who was 'Unfit' for the job and just needed to pray to the lords above that he didn't get picked.

'Because then... Then I'll really be messing things up, as long as Sky and Wren are the ones chosen to go I'll be fine.
Since the rest of the tribe wasn't here with them I'm assuming that they've already gone to the Sanctuary, which is great for me. Now I just have to stay under the radar long enough until they leave, they shouldn't be here that long right?'

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