A regular day for once

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Daniel stared back at Willow with fear...
She knew... she knew about his identity... Which meant she likely knew about everyone else too...

Willow looked back at him, amused.
"You're not good at keeping a straight face."
She said to which Daniel scowled.

"Well it's not easy after you just waltz up here and spill one of my darkest secrets, not even in a hushed manner either"

Willow rolled her eyes.
"Oh please, the only dragons nearby are you guys" She gestured to all of them watching the scene.
"And since you're not making any reactions to this then it means you're all the Heathens.. Aren't you?"

Nobody spoke, everyone was to stunned to speak... Or at least they were, until Moon spoke up which gave them a hint of surprise since she was usually very quiet.

"Well played" She said with a more serious tone as she somehow used a sort of slight of hand to equip her Kunai in her talon dangerously.
"So what exactly do you want then?"

Willows eyes switched to the Kunai in Moons talons, it was clear she never saw this dangerous side that Moon had and Daniel could tell she was starting to slightly regret her choices.

Everyone's eyes were on her, they didn't bother taking out their weapons though, they all knew she couldn't do anything, and if she tried to run then they'd simply catch her.
Daniel sighed, "Wolf, lower your weapon."

Moon looked to him with a sort of surprise.
"What? You can't be serious? What if she tries something?"

"She won't" Daniel interrupted. "She can't do anything against us so why scare her?"

He turned back to the lighter colored Leafwing.
"Willow, how about we just sit down and talk about this normally, we're still your friends... Right?"

Willow looked to him hesitantly, she was eyeing the exit as she exchanged glances between it and him.
However she sighed in the end as she sat down.

Daniel smiled happily as he also sat down, "Alright, now... What exactly do you want from us?" he asked and to his surprise Willow answered quickly.

"I want to learn how to fight, like I said before"
Everyone else exchanged odd glances around the cave and Daniel shot Willow a questionable look.

"You're asking us, currently the most wanted dragons on the continent... To teach you how to fight..?"

She nodded hopefully, "Yes, the queens must be scared of you for a reason right? So you must be some good fighters."

Daniel looked back to the others who were all looking at him.
"Your call Hurricane" Peril said as he looked back over to the Leafwing in front of him.

He closed his eyes for a moment.
"You do know what you're getting into right? Self defence is not just having the skills to fight back, it's about being able to use it, it's about being able to kill if you have to... If we give you the skills, and teach you how to use them... You're essentially one of us."
Daniel explained before he paused.

"Are you sure you're up for that?"

Willow looked at him, she understood the terms, if she said yes she wouldn't be able to go back.. She would officially become a 'heathen.' she would have to keep her identity hidden, just like how her friends did.

She pondered for a moment, but eventually answered...
"Just answer me this truthfully..."
She looked Daniel dead in the eyes.
"Is it true you massacred over twenty dragons and Burned down an entire city...?"

This time it was Turtle who responded with a cold stare.
"What do you think?"
He said as he pulled his Swordbreaker from what appeared to be thin air and started flipping it around in his talon like a bayonet.

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