The Borderland

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It had been another few hours since the last time Daniel spoke to Winter.
After their playful banter which left half of the group snouts five shades darker.

Winter started talking to Qibli about other matters which he wasn't exactly interested in.
Star had left to go socialise with the other girls in the group and he wished her luck with Kinkajou.

'No doubt she's already ben asked over two hundred questions in the last few hours, probably more'
Daniel guessed,
'and I have a hunch that most of them were probably about our, 'Talk' about one another'

Daniel looked up, Winter and Qibli were still yacking away on god knows what topic by now.
'Wow, for someone you used to hate for a long time you do seem to get along well'
Daniel thought.

He looked up to the now dark gradient sky.
Some of the stars had finally decided to come out of hiding and were scattered across the sky like specs of paint.

Daniel was admiring the the beauty of Phyrrias night when a large gust of cold wind crawled along his scales. Making him shiver.

'Not going to lie.. I could really go for a hot cup of chocolate right now' Daniel thought.
The Night was getting colder and he needed something to take his mind off of it or else he would never make it without getting frostbite.

But then he remembered that they never ended up telling him anything about Jade Mountain.
'Well I'm pretty sure I know most of it but it wouldn't hurt to just ask, and it should pass the time until we get there'

"Hey guys!" Daniel called.
This made them both jump at the sudden sound of his voice which indicated to them that they'd both forgot the he was there.

They both looked down nervously to need Daniels unamused face.
"you forgot I was here, didn't you?"

Qibli was about to say something but fell silent as he continued to stare at Daniels face.
His feelings began to take over his body again but luckily Winter interrupted his train of thought.

"Yeah... We did" Winter stated bluntly.
Daniel shot him with a 'Are you kidding me?' look.
"Wow, I can see I mean so much to both of you"

"Hey.. I was just stating the truth" Winter said to his defence.

"Whatever, just make sure you fucking thank me for giving you a free ride across te damn desert!" Daniel spat before he continued with his original question.

"Anyways, I was going to say that you guys never told me about Jade Mountain, I was just wondering if you could give me some input before we headed back."

"Oh, well I guess we should probably do that." Qibli said, trying to get back on Daniels good side.

"Well let's start from the beginning, shall we?" Qibli continued.
Daniel nodded in response as he looked up at him.

"So the school opened up about a year ago" Qibli started and already this immediately caught Daniels attention.

"Wait, it opened a year ago?
Daniel asked, genuinely confused.

'I thought I was transported into some time after Book seven... But if it's been almost a year? Then could that mean I'm in a separate timeline?'
Daniel thought, now curious on what else he may not know.

"Yeah, the school opened up about a year ago, after the war of the Sandwing succession"

"Huh, interesting" Daniel remarked as he made a puzzled facial expression.
Winter and Qibli both looked at him curiously but ignored his puzzlement.

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