Blistered, Blazed, And Burned

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Everyone in the room was shocked.
Kinkajou looked at Daniel with a surprising mix of fear and admiration.
Sirocco and Rattlesnake looked vividly terrified meanwhile Cobra was too focused on the outside world to comment.

Daniel looked outside, the night was still dark... Or it was... Until there was a bright flash in the night sky.
Then a massive bang echoed through the city and most definitely woke everyone up.

Daniel spotted multiple black dragons take off into the night sky.
Kinkajou stood next to him, her eyes wide with fear...

"You never said anything about this..."She said softly as a massive unmistakable glow of fire began to reach into the sky..

"Because we know you would never agree to it... And besides, this place is a terrible place with terrible dragons" Daniel responded as she watched the flames.

"But what about everyone else?! You know some normal civilians live here right!" Cobra suddenly interjected.
She was finally able to walk again but there was no chance she would be able to fight.

"This is the only City in the desert apart from Thorns Stronghold! If you destroy it you'll put the lives of Hundreds if not THOUSANDS of dragons into jeopardy!"
Cobra screamed.

She seemed genuinely distressed which was odd for her to say the least.
Daniel sighed.
"This place... Is filled with dragons like you who don't care about others and instead steal from anyone they can think of"

"But-" Sirocco started.
"No buts" Kinkajou said which caught their attention.
"We gave you a warning, now leave"

They looked back to the smaller Rainwing with confusion.
"Why are you here? Aren't Rainwing just lazy fruit eaters? You're not cut out for this" Rattlesnake barked.
However, his was a mistake...

Daniel's eyes went wide, as Kinkajou's scales went a dark red almost matching his.
"Well good job, you just signed your death wish" Daniel remarked.

Kinkajou went invisible but before she could do anything Daniel grabbed her by the tail.
"No! Don't use your energy on them we got more important things to do."
He stumbled forward a little as Kinkajou revealed herself just inches away from Rattlesnake, bearing her fangs at her.

Rattlesnake jumped back a little.
"Okay! I take it back, we'll leave now... Mother let's go"

Cobra stumbled forward as she limped over to her children.
Daniel eyed her sceptically still not convinced that she loved them but he shrugged it off.
'Not my problem anyways'

"Alright, let's go Ghost. We're done here"
She nodded and they prepared to take off but before they could Cobra asked one last thing.

Daniel turned to meet her eyes.
"What." He said with an irritated tone.

"Why haven't you killed us yet..? Why haven't you killed me yet..?"
Daniel was sort of shocked at the question but he answered it anyway.

"Because even though you're our enemies killing you wouldn't do any good, if anything it would make us more wanted than we already are..."
Daniel sighed... However, it was a half lie, to be honest.

It was true that killing Qibli's family wouldn't do much to help with their rapidly growing reputation.
'But it's also because... Cobra won't make it through the night... If what the Gatekeeper said was true... She'll be dead by daylight... From Qibli's claws...'

Daniel took off into the sky as Kinkajou followed behind him.
He arched upwards into the sky to get a better view of the chaos.

His eyes widened as he saw it, he knew what to expect when they discussed the plan, however... He never expected it like this.

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