Oh Calamari...

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"I already told you it's just a small cut, nothing to worry about," Kinkajou said to Turtle who was treating her wound with his healing rock.

"Still, I don't want you getting hurt, even if it's just a small amount" He explained which earned him a small peck on the cheek and a giggle.

"Once again, you worry too much" She said cheerfully as she cuddled up within his wings.
"By the way did you guys manage to send a message to Flame by any chance?"

Turtle nodded. "Yeah we did actually, Me, Peril, and Moon managed to find the post office before you guys caused commotion, so we sent Flame a message and payed the messenger extra to take the message directly to him so there's no chance someone else gets it"

Kinkajou smiled though she was a little confused.
"Wait, how did you pay for it? Hurricane said we didn't have any money?"

Turtle grinned. "Well I just asked Peril to cause a distraction while me and Moon managed to steal a singular coin from someone nearby, it's all we needed since we could make more using the duplication bowl"

"Ah... smart," Kinkajou said. "But what happens when Flame gets the message, how is he going to send one back to us if he does at all?"

"Well along with the message I also sent the writing half of the two communication slates I made so he can write to us and we'll receive it on the other slate" He explained as he took out the other slate from seemingly out of nowhere but it was more likely just to be a bag he kept somewhat hidden.

"So whatever he writes will appear on this?" She asked and Turtle nodded.
"That's how it works" he said to which Kinkajou smiled as she looked at the slate in his talon before asking another question.

"What did you write in the message to him?"

"Oh, Nothing much really, don't worry about it" Turtle said and though Kinkajou was confused and slightly left in the dark she ignored it and just nodded.
"Got it, well let's hope he gets the message" She said and Turtle sighed as he assured her Flame would get the message safely, pulling her closer into his embrace.

Though while this was going on, Star was scolding Winter and Daniel with Qibli standing next to her.
"What were you guys thinking?! Killing three dragons in the MIDDLE OF POSSIBILITY?! Are you out of your MINDS?!" Star bellowed.

"Well... In our defence they were stealing from helpless dragons who worked hard for the money, so we thought me might as well get it back for them" Daniel said

Star gave him a glare.
"By MURDERING them!?"

"They were asking for it!" Winter suddenly blurted though this only ended up getting him scolded too.

"Oh please! In what world would what you guys did to them be justifiable!?" Star shouted which made them fall silent as she turned to Qibli.

"Qibli! Back me up here" Star said though the Sandwing only gave a small laugh.

"Sorry, I'm just laughing at the irony of the situation since it was Winter himself who didn't want to bring attention to ourselves yet look at you now!" He smiled at Winter who returned a scowl.

"Shut it sand snorter, you weren't there " Winter quickly rebutted though Qibli only rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say snow sniffer, but besides the damage has been done so we might as well just forget about it and move on" He offered.
Star growled for a moment before she took out her dual blade, flipped it in the air before catching it again, where she held one of the sharp edges dangerously close to his throat.

"Fine... But no more funny business! We're already in enough trouble as it is!" She spat before walking away towards where Moon and Peril were.

Daniel watched her walk, some thoughts popping up about how nice she looked though he quickly dismissed them as Winter spoke.
"Wow... She is scary sometimes..."

Transported: A Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now