Meet The Jade Winglet

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Daniel waited patiently in front of Jade Mountains entrance. 'this isn't good... He should have been back by now.' Daniel thought, his mind full of worry. 'You should go look for him, Daniel. Make sure he's ok' whispered one half of his brain. 'No! Don't do it. Remember he wanted this so it's in his respect to let him finish it without interfering' said the other.

The sky above had begun to lighten up as the moons began to set. There were still as solid thirty minutes before anyone in their right mind would think of waking up.
'but if he doesn't return beforehand? Then what happens? ARRGH SHUT UP BRAIN, he's going to be just fine it's probably just talking a bit longer since he might not be used to the speeds. THEN WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE HIM UP THERE ALONE, DAMN IDIOT' Daniel was stressing out as both halves of his brain argued over what to do next.

Suddenly a faint sound could be heard from nearby. 'is that Winter... No, it's coming from inside the mountain. Is it footsteps?' The sound got louder as it was clear that someone was approaching 'Crap someone's coming... just play it cool, pretend that there's nothing bad going on, who knows it could just be a random dragon walking through' but it wasn't. It was the worst possible person imaginable in this situation.

Qibli peeked around the corner to see Hurricane looking out at the rising sun.
"Oh hey, what's up Hurricane?" Qibli said in his usual cheerful voice "Oh, Hey! How's it going? 'No... why did it have to be him...' "Why are you up so early?" Daniel asked in a forced casual voice

"I could ask you the same question" Qibli replied smoothly.

"Oh, well to tell you the truth the flight yesterday really killed me, so I decided to go to sleep, been up since four or five in the morning," Daniel said

"Oh, I guess that makes sense... Well I've always been an early bird so it's normal for me to wake up at this time"

"ah, cool, cool, yeah I get that"

"hey by any chance have you seen Winter around? He wasn't in bed sleeping when I woke which is kind of off for him. Usually, he's a heavy sleeper." Qibli asked curiously

'DAMMIT... why did he have to ask that...'

"Actually, I did see him, like two hours ago when I first woke up. He did seem pretty down though. Do you by any chance know what's up with him?"

"Oh... No, I don't know anything about that." Qibli replied his face turning from giddy happy to a more serious look."

It looked like he was in deep thought as his facial expression became more worried and stressed and Daniel was able to see his breathing had become a little more rapid then usual. 'Oh, he's overthinking again, as he does in the books, I should probably stop him'

"Hey" Daniel said, "I know that look, don't overthink things it'll get you nowhere."
Qibli looked at him surprised for a moment before replying

"O-oh, okay"

"There we go" Daniel smiled "I know you're worried about him but don't worry he's a strong dragon, he'll be fine"

Just then a loud Whoosh was heard from the Mountain entrance. Upon looking at what it was Daniel simply smiled while Qibli just stood there at a loss for words.
'well that's a new one, Qibli lost for words huh' Daniel couldn't help but laugh.

Winter was flying as fast as Daniel was when he first made his grand entrance yesterday. Winter was doing some of the Skywing moves that Daniel had taught him. Daniel had the proud teacher face on while Qibli could only watch as his best friend almost matched Daniels's speed yesterday.

Transported: A Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now