The Start Of Something Terrible

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Thorn sat weeping inside the empty history cave of Jade Mountain.
There was supposed to be a regal meeting to discuss their next course of action, but it seemed things would need to be halted since Thorn couldn't stop herself from crying and Glory was on the verge of joining her.

It was only yesterday when the dead body of Sunny was discovered, Thorn and the Dragonets of Destiny still haven't gotten over the scene.

Flame sat in between Hazel and Ruby who although they didn't know Sunny well, were still deeply affected and slightly traumatised by the brutality done to such a young soul.

Flame didn't know how to think, he'd recently sent a message to Hurricane informing him about what had occurred... But he didn't know how they would react.

That didn't matter though since Flame wouldn't be there to witness it.
Not to mention that at the moment more important things needed to be attended to, such as listening to what the Queens would do next.

While Thorn kept weeping, Glory tried to sustain herself from doing the same but ultimately failed as she brought her head down to the table and let out some teary sniffles.

"Sunny... I-I'm... I'm so sorry..." Glory said through her tears which left small dark spots on the stone surface they landed on.

Flame looked around at the scene. Moorhen, Coral, Snowfall, and Ruby were all on edge, but they weren't breaking down like the other two.

Hazel had a mixed expression on her face which Flame wasn't able to decipher.
She seemed upset at the whole situation yet also more serious than normal.
'It might be her way of dealing with things... Though it's not going to help...'
Flame thought.

Suddenly, however, Thorn slammed her talon on the table angrily.
She looked up, her oblivion-coloured eyes wet with tears and a distraught growl was printed on her face.
"THAT'S IT!" She screamed.
Her lips trembled as she struggled to keep her composure.

Thorn had a murderous glare and tone when she spoke those last words.
Glory was quick to agree as her scales soon changed into a deep crimson red.
"Agreed! The Heathens need to be stopped!"

Glory bared her fangs, spraying a little venom on a small wooden bowl of fruit in the middle of the table which soon began to sizzle where the drops of venom landed.

A few tears ran down Glory's face as she screamed out but it only made her seem even more deadly and terrifying.

There was a small moment of tense angry silence which Hazel bravely broke.
"B-But we don't even know where they are! Let alone how to get to them!"

Thorn and Glory glared at Hazel intently which made her shrink back a little.
"We'll find a way... We NEED to win, for the sake of both Phyrria and Pantala..!" Glory said before pausing momentarily. 
"There's no other option..."

Hazel opened her mouth to say something else though she was cut off by the gong which suddenly rang throughout the school, signalling the start of classes for the day and the end of the meeting since the room they were in was soon going to be occupied by students.

Soon, the queens began to leave the cave one by one, eventually leaving only Hazel and Flame within the cave. This was because Flame's Winglet, -The Gold Winglet- had their next lesson in the same cave, so he didn't have to move. 

Neither did Hazel as a matter of fact because although Hazel was a queen, she was still a dragonet and had willingly enrolled herself into the academy along with Sundew and Willow.

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