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'Well... Great...'

That was the last thought that passed through Daniels mind before a searing pain was felt throughout his entire backside.
His scales split apart from one another as
Star sank her claws into Daniels back and began to drag them down to his lower body.

"AARRRGH!" Daniel cried, his jaw clenched together as he tried his best to bare through the pain. He tried to run but wasn't able to move properly as Star had a strong grip.

"Oh no you don't! you're not going anywhere! Not until I'm done!" Star snarled.

Daniel looked back to see her. Her talons were lodged into his lower back, looking a bit higher he saw that fresh clawmarks were present along almost his entire back. Her talons were covered in a mix of blue and red blood as well as bits of her underscales and face.

Daniel looked at the large cut he had caused on Stars chest. It was still bleeding dark blue and had painted most of her scales to the point where she looked more Icewing then Sandwing.
Her breathing was rapid and uncoordinated. It was clear the cuts and possible blood loss was taking its toll on her but still... She continued to fight.

Daniel had to give it to her... Even though she was in possibly more pain then him... She was still determined to kill him...

'I can't tell whether I should be impressed or scared at this point.' Daniel questioned himself 'well either way, I'm not dying today so I should probably get myself out of here'

Daniel shot a burst of fire at Stars talons which forced her to let go of Daniel. It did end up burning him a bit in the process but it ended up getting him free from her so he counted it as a win.

The sand from the explosion had began to settle down back to the ground again and the evidence of the makeshift sandstorm ever existing had begun to fade away.
The three moons above had shifted places since Daniel last saw them, meaning that they have been fighting for at least more then half an hour.

'Have we really been fighting for that long? It only seemed like ten minutes.'

Daniel took a glance back at Star who was staring intently at him; It was kind of creepy to be honest. Some of her yellow scales had been stained deep blue and red due to the brutal fight they've been having for the past thirty minutes.

"Wh-why, do we have to continue...?" Daniel asked, Gasping for breath.

"You're not giving up are you?" Star asked slightly surprised. The truth was he wasn't in the slightest. He just needed enough time to think of a plan... And that's when it hit him.

'wait... Sand can be blown around by strong winds... And I can create strong winds...' Daniel gave a mischievous grin 'I have a GREAT idea...'

"Why are you smiling?" Star asked skeptically

Daniel didn't say anything... Instead he flapped his wings towards Star, throwing sand into her face.

"is that the best you got? You'll have to do a bit better then launch sand at me" Star said as she launched another large plume of ice at Daniel. But little did she know... She had fallen right into his trap...

Daniel launched a plume of fire at her Ice blast which caused another explosion of sand. The many grains were launched into the air and Daniel took his chance.

He launched himself into the air and began to quickly circle Star from above at rapid speeds.

'Come on... Please work...' Daniel pleaded to the gods above.

Sand whirled in all directions, Daniel struggled to keep his bearing he flew. Soon the sand flying in the air began to pick up Daniels wind movement and his plan was coming into action.

"You really think a sandstorm is going to intimidate me? I'm used to them" Star said cockily. However she soon began to eat those words as he realised what Daniel was up to.

"Oh, MOONS!" Star screamed as she looked above her.

The sand was now moving at incredible speeds as a miniature sandy hurricane began to form around her. Daniel was nothing but a red blur intertwined between the many grains of sand flying about.

He had to admit that a making a deadly mini hurricane wasn't the best idea if he was trying to not die. Especially after a hostile dragon had just messed up his back pretty badly.

'Although it's the only way to signal to the JW somethings wrong, I just have to pray to the gods above that they see it'

Daniel continued to fly, guiding and boosting his makeshift hurricane faster and faster.

Star sat in the eye of the storm... Terrified at what she was seeing...

"Is this the power of a god...?" She whispered to herself.

Stars trembling limbs made it hard to stand properly as she looked around at the scene taking place in front of her.

She had to get out.

Daniel looked down at the terrified Hybrid.

"YOU ENJOYING YOURSELF?" Daniel shouted to her, slightly laughing.

"WHAT IS IN THE WORLD IS THIS?!" Star screamed back.


Star only stared at him with fearful eyes... Or tried to at least since he was moving so fast.

She walked towards the edge of the cyclone, preparing to run through it.

"I wouldn't do that!" Daniel warned. "The speeds of the sands would pierce your scales... You'd either die or be brutally injured when you get out."

As much as Daniel currently hated Star at the moment he didn't want her to die painfully, and by running through that wall would probably be one of the most painful ways to depart.

Star simply looked at him... And without another word... ran straight through the wall of sand.

She disappeared Into the wall... Leaving behind a line of deep blue grains...

Daniel was shocked at what he just witnessed...

'Holy... She really just did that...'

Daniel flew up above the sandy hurricane and out into the open air... The hurricane stood standing however it would soon disappear as its source of wind was no longer there.

Daniel searched the ground for Star who he found lying there a few feet away from where the slowing hurricane.

'Well she doesn't look too badly injured' Daniel thought slightly relieved as her yellow scales were still showing... At least that's what he thought... Until he landed next to her and got a closer look..

Daniels eyes went wide... His heart skipped a beat... She wasn't dead... But... She probably wishes she was...

He stared in fear and regret at what he saw... The only reason she appeared yellow from above was because sand had stuck to her upon leaving... The reality was that she had no yellow scales at all...

They were all painted blue from her own blood...

Hey everyone! I was originally going to make a much longer chapter like usual but I decided in the end that this alone could potentially be a good chapter on its own.

I do know that this was very short (second shortest I think)
The next chapter will be much longer so don't worry too much.

Once again thanks to Qibli-Winter-Star35 for letting me use their OC. (sorry if I messed her up... Personality and in story)

ALSO! I would like to thank everyone who decided to read this far, thank you for reading my story! You're what keeps me motivated to write more. THANK YOU AGAIN!

but besides that. I hope you have a good day/night and I'll hopefully see you all again in a few days!

Untill next time!

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