Dangerous Discovery

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Star looked at the red Skywing staring back at her intently.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Daniel repeated.

He clutched the balisong in his talon. He didn't mean for it to be menacing but Star definitely took it that way as she kept making quick nervous glances between his hard stare and the sand covered blade.

"Look let's just forge-"

"No you're not getting out of this that easily" Daniel interrupted
"You're going to tell me exactly how you knew about his true name"

Star shifted uncomfortably from side to side as he flexed her talons.
"It's not important" She finally spoke.

"But that's the thing... It is. As far as anyone knows this 'Gatekeeper' can bring things from my world into this one... With power like that... Who knows what else he's capable of"
Daniel pointed out.

"So tell me... How do you know his real name?"
He gave Star another hard stare.

"Fine, I'll speak but we're not going to lose time just standing around. I'll tell you as we search for this 'lock of rain and night'. Deal?"

Daniel was hesitant, he could see Stars plan.
'She wants to divert the conversation to something else by taking my attention away from it... Well that's not going to work unfortunately'

Although she did have a point, as far as he was aware she was still helping with completing the Prophecy and they Were being hunted.

"Arrgh, fine. But you're starting right now"
Daniel stated.

"Fine with me, but first let's at least have a plan on where we should go. Take the map out and let's make a proper plan beforehand"
Star said persuasively.

Daniel seeing that he didn't have much of a choice, complied with her request although much to his annoyance.

He placed the map on the sand in front of them. The balisong still clutched within his right front talon.

"Okay so if I'm right we should be somewhere around here"
Daniel said as he pointed to the western edge of the Ice kingdom border.
"If we continue along the edge we should be able to search the perimeter before sundown"

"Mhm, I see, but it may take a little longer as we're also going to have to keep eyes out and heads down from incoming patrols" Star pointed out.

"True, but on the bright side that will give you PLENTY of time to explain your connection with the gatekeeper"
Daniel said sternly.

Star shot him a mix of a disgusted and annoyed look.
"Yeah, Plenty of time" She spat. "Let's just get a move on already"

She was about to take off into the air however Daniel stopped her.

"Wait a second" He said, as he scanned the map a little more closely.
There were two points on the map that they had missed.

One of them was just a little up north from their current position. It was labelled 'DC' while the other was much further up north from there.
It was located on the tip of Phyrrias snout and was labelled 'RWP'

"What is it?" Star asked, getting even more impatient.

"Take a look at this, I think we may have a starting point" Daniel smiled softly as Star walked over to take a look.

"Oh... How did we miss that?"

"I have no clue, although It doesn't matter"
Daniel looked up to the sky, the bright sun was maybe a little over halfway passed the midday point.
'So I'm guessing maybe one or two pm?'
"Let's go, we have work to do"

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