Hurricane Warning

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Daniel had been walking for quite a while now.
His wings had given out on him after a long while of flying and refused to get him off the ground for more then thirty seconds.

It was a strange feeling to him, having sore wings. It was also quite Ironic considering he was a Skywing after all.

The supposed tribe with the most flying endurance. All of his energy from flying had finally caught up with him and he was unable to do anything about it.

Honestly he had it coming to him. He was reckless with his flying skills and it wore him out slowly... And now he was paying the price of not being able to fly at all... At the one time where he needed to fly the most out of his entire time here so far.

'Welp... It's fine... I'll just walk for a bit and then take off again later' Daniel thought to himself.
It did little to reassure him that all would be alright but he did feel slightly better.

At the moment he was climbing up a large sand dune in hopes of getting a better view of the world around him.

Step after step, he kept waking, his endurance on land was not as great as his endurance in the sky and as such was having a difficult time just walking straight. Especially in a place as hot as the scorching sand kingdom.

His thoughts didn't help much either.
He had recently found himself constantly worrying about Winter and how he was doing, as well as the rest of the gang.

Also the Prophecy hadn't left his mind. He still needed to reach the boarder soon... It had been at least three days since they left JMA. They could of been there by now.

'Except I just had to be an idiot and run off' Daniel sighed...
'They're probably not even there anymore, went back to JMA most likely so they wouldn't get muddled up in my problems'

He didn't know for sure of course, which is why he was flying back. However, he needed to think of a plan incase they really had already left.

'Alright.. Well if the map's there then I'm able to continue on my own' Daniel strategised. 'However, if they did end up taking it away with them... Then I may have a slight issue...'

The sand crunched underneath his talons, he was nearly at the top of the dune.
Although he didn't notice as thoughts were still zooming around on his head.

'And if by any chance they're still there... I owe them a massive explanation...' Daniel thought worriedly he didn't know which option was worse at this point. 'Except that this one explanation could probably break their minds.

'First it'll be about why I ran off, then about Charlotte being trapped in this world, then about me not being an actual dragon or from this universe to begin with, and finally them finding out about them not being real...'

Both options were really bad as he desperately needed them to help him... But if he was to tell them what they really were... Just ink on paper... Who knows how they might react.

Soon Daniel reached the top of the dune. Huge bundles of golden sand and dirt outstretched in all directions before him. Although the cave was still nowhere to be seen.

'Great... I'm totally lost...' Daniel thought.

Daniel stared down at his talons, he could see the ripples of heat in the air around him. His body was lacking fluids, he was dehydrated... Weak...

Suddenly his ears perked as he heard Talking in the not too far off distance.
He looked down towards the ground to see two medium sized Sandwings.

The weren't as large as fully grown dragons as Daniel had seen but they were definitely older then he was.

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