Missing Faces, Wanted Faces.

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It had been about three days since the gruesome and chaotic events which happened at Jade mountain. 
As such most of Phyrria had been notified of the identities of Daniel, Willow and Turtle and due to this their wanted posters had been updated.
Now instead of showing their previous hooded faces there were detailed pictures of each of them, allowing for anybody to know exactly what they looked like and it had now been globally confirmed that it was indeed Willow who possessed extraordinary leafspeak abilities.

Turtle had been confirmed to be an animus which definitely shocked the world with a second animus dragon in the Seawing tribe within the same generation. Many dragons were also surprised at the confirmed young ages of the team with none of them being actual adults yet though that small bit of news was the least of everyone's interests. 

What really had everyone shook however was the fact that six students had been reportedly taken hostage by said Heathens. 
This caused lockdowns and curfews which were issued out by the Queens in order to protect other dragons from the said criminals. 

These curfews took place the second the sun began to hide beneath the horizon and by dark all dragons should be inside, leaving the streets and outside world abandoned. 
But it wasn't like it mattered since the whole world was so paranoid and terrified that most dragons chose to stay inside anyways and as such weren't affected by the curfew. 

"According to Queen Thorn, progress is being made to recover the kidnapped students and they ask for all dragons to keep calm during these stressful times" Sundew said as she finished up reading the recently published newsletter which almost all the dragons on the continent had been reading. 

She turned to Everyone else who was gathered around on the grass plains just outside the school. This included: Swordtail, Luna, Cricket, Blue, and Anemone. 
They were all listening to Sundew read out the newsletter before she eventually placed it down on the ground. 

"So that's it?" Anemone asked and Sundew nodded. 

"Yeah, that's it" She confirmed as she let out a sigh. It turned out that Anemone was actually quite a fun dragon to hang out with, especially after her brother Turtle knocked some sense into her in a very... graphic... way. 
She'd started to change for the better and tried treated dragons with more respect which is what eventually led to her and Sundew becoming friends. 

Although she was still new to the whole idea and it would take a lot more time for her to get used to it and leave behind her old entitled and spoiled lifestyle and personality.

Luna stared at Sundew, bewildered. 
"So let me get this straight..." She said. "So Willow is not the soft harmless dragon we all thought we knew but is actually a notorious criminal and one of the most dangerous dragons in the world?" 

"Seems that way" Swordtail added. 

Cricket scowled at the scroll which was being loosley held by Sundew in her talon. 
"I don't understand it though... Why would she do this? It's not like her at all, It doesn't make any sense... there's got to be a reason here!" 

"Of course there is! She's one of the nicest dragons I've met, there's no way she would do something like this! She must be being put against her will or something!" Blue added on but Anemone shook her head. 

"Blue... You weren't there... you weren't there when it happened" She said. 
"It's not like I can speak much though since I was knocked out shortly after she started with her... what's it called again?" 

"Leafspeak" Sundew answered and Anemone nodded. 

"Thanks, When she started in with her leafspeak... but I saw the vines, it wasn't like what you guys described with dragons being able to just barely influence plants... no... she had full control over all of them."

"But that's impossible! There must be a mistake! It's not physically possi-" Cricket said but she was cut off by Sundew before she could go into another one of her nerdy rambles. 

"She's telling the truth Cricket..." Sundew admitted and this immediately shut Cricket up as she looked with bewildered eyes. 
"I saw it too... she's on another level... I don't know how it happened or how it's even possible... but her leafspeak is more powerful then the past ten generations combined..."

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