News... Bad News...

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Everyone was gathered inside of the boys' sleeping cave as they discussed what to do next in this troubling situation.

It was clear that Thorn now knew of their existence which meant it would only be a matter of time before the other Queens also knew.

"So what's the plan here? What do we do?" Peril asked from the doorway.

"I don't know..." Daniel admitted he put on a face of deep thought as he tried to come up with possibilities.

"Should we run? I mean they're going to find out eventually if we stay here" Moon Said.

"That'll be suspicious though" Qibli pointed out "A group of dragonets who perfectly fit the description vanish as soon as wanted posters are hung up in their school? Bad idea."

"I agree with Qibli, it's best if we lay low for a while," Winter said.
"Besides, we need to wait a few days until the time on the scroll runs out.

"True... So we just pretend we know nothing about it then?" Star asked.

"Daniel nodded," Seems like that's the play here," he said as he laid down on his warmed-up ledge.
"The most dangerous place is sometimes the safest after all"

The others didn't quite understand what he meant by that but took his word for it.
"Alright, well since we're on lockdown and obviously can't go outside, you guys want to play some cards?" Kinkajou asked.

"I'm down, prepare to be destroyed" Peril boasted.

"We'll see about that" Kinkajou shot back.

They took out the cards from the wall and they began to play.
Daniel watched the game from his ledge, Peril was winning once again to begin with which honestly wasn't much of a surprise.

There were a few rounds of the games as Peril continued to win however Kinkajou and Qibli who were playing as well managed to get a few rounds in too.

The game continued for around half an hour as Daniel just watched because he couldn't understand the rules.
Eventually, however, Sunny made her way into the cave.

"Hey guys! Sorry to interrupt but we need you all in the main hall, Tsunami has an announcement" She said.

"Oh alright, pack up the cards and let's go" Winter said as he hopped down from his ledge.
Turtle did the same while Kinkajou packed up the cards, Moon rolled up the scroll she was reading with Star while Daniel just watched them scurry along.

When they were all about done Daniel got off his ledge and followed Sunny who led them down to the main hall.

Once they reached it they saw all the students gathered in one large crowd.
It gave him flashbacks of when he'd first run away from the school.

Soon Tsunami stepped onto a large rock as the eyes of two or three dozen students watched.

"Students! I've gathered you here for two reasons! Tsunami called.
"As you all may see behind me Queen Thorn of the Sandwings has passed a troubling message"

She gestured to the wanted posters behind them and Daniel swore he saw all his friends tense up.
However he didn't blame them, little did Tsunami know that the wanted dragons she was warning them about were standing right in front of her.

She continued her small speech as she scanned the semi-large crowd.
"They're known as 'The Heathens'" Tsunami said, "They are extremely dangerous and NOT to be messed with"

She spoke with a strong voice.
"Because I know that some of you are already thinking of trying to collect their impressive bounties, DO NOT! IT WILL GET YOU KILLED"

Transported: A Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now