Puzzle Pieces

638 16 28

There was the tense sound of silence which had settled along the area as Daniels blood splattered along the ground.
Everyone was staring at the bloody scene with fear and shock.

Daniel spotted Willow in one corner of his eye with Sundew parents, in the other was Hailstorm as well as Sundew relatively far off in the distance.

The main things that Daniel saw however was Winter, who was staring at his face with trembling fear.
And of course, Tundra, who was looking down at her crimson colored talon.

"Hu-Hurricane..." Winter trembled, unable to get up.
Daniel already knew what he was looking at, he knew because it was searing with pain, though he didn't let it show... He needed to give his parents a good 'First impression'

CLawmarks, deep, bloody, brutal, Clawmarks were scratched along the side of his face, just nearly missing his eye, luckily not blinding him.

Blood seeped from the four marks as they created a flow of blood which ran down his face and neck to his chest before eventually dripping and falling onto the ground..

Tundra didn't seem phased, rather, she smiled which soon turned into a laugh.
"So you're the Dragon that my useless son has been speaking of..." She said.

Daniel ignored her and instead looked to Winter.
"Hey bro, sorry to drop in but I'd thought I'd save that pretty face of yours from being clawed up" He said with a cheerful smile, laughing a little as he ignored the pain he was feeling.

Daniel laughed loud enough for most of the dragons around him to hear, offering a talon to help Winter up from the ground.

"Sorry bout' that buddy, hope the fall wasn't too painful, you alright?"
Winter was tugged up to his feet where he stood there for a few seconds before he shook his head violently.

He screamed and Daniel was pretty sure the whole school heard him, even the ones in the prey centre.

Daniel shrugged, "I'm fine, the question was if you're alright" He said though he was pretty sure Winter could see the immense pain he was in through his eyes.

Just then, Tundra spoke again.
"Hey! Don't just ignore me you low scum of a Skywing! Don't you know who I am!?"

Daniel sighed deeply as his painful gaze shifted into a glare of annoyance and fury... Winter noticed this and he immediately knew... His parents were in for a treat.

Tundra bared her teeth.
"So you're Hurricane... The dragon that others just wouldn't shut up about? Supposedly beat an Animus in a fight and laughed it off... Well I bet you aren't laughing now."

Daniel smiled, "Quite the opposite actually" He gestured to the four brutal clawmarks along his face.
"This? This is nothing... Actually I thought you'd hit harder to be honest." He bluffed before adding.
"Winter you're scared of her? You'd easily be able to beat her, I mean... Look at her!"

Tundra's rage rose as she was aggravated by Daniels words.
"H-HOW DARE YOU! I'M A ROYAL ICEWING! THE BEST TRIBE! SHOW SOME RESPEC-" She was cut off by Daniels snickering.

"Yeah yeah, just shut up already, you're making my ears bleed more than my face." He rolled his eyes before continuing with a mocking tone of sympathy.
"Oh I'm sorry that your 'prestigious ranks' were ruined by an amazing Icewing who probably has a better heart then your entire cold narcissistic tribe!"
He paused for a moment before adding. "Sorry Winter.."

A little bit of blood found it's way into his mouth, giving him a sort of metallic taste as he loooked back to a stunned Tundra who he guessed nobody had ever talked back to her like that.

Transported: A Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now