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The three dragons were outside by the isolated areas of Jade Mountain where they wouldn't be found.

Willow and Daniel were having a friendly battle with the same rules as last night, first to pin the other won.
The only difference however was that Daniel was allowed to use his sickle since Willow now had leafspeak.

Although it was more of a mix between leafapeak and simply control because even though she confirmed she was able to hear plants and could somewhat communicate with them one-way she was also able to simply control them at her will, thus making her a sort of leaf 'god' over them.

Because of this, Daniel was doging and weaving between thorned vines and swinging branches which blocked his way.

It was actually extremely difficult to fight her since he was alway met with more hostile plants from out of nowhere and even if he was able to get close enough Willow would respond with a dodge of her own before sending out another barrage of plants.

Daniel was getting tired as he looked froward to the monstrosity in front of him.
'Jesus... What am I supposed to do here!? I'm practically fighting Sans!'

Daniel had no idea what to do, though in the end he didn't need to do anything as his legs were suddenly swept out from under him before Willow pounced on top.

"Ha! I win! Yes!" Willow celebrated as Daniel simply gave up fighting.
He laid his head back on the grass as he tried to gather some air.

"Damn... I don't know if I was training you or if you were training me... That was.. Really something..." He said between breaths.

Willow however, didn't hear him because she was already jumping for joy with Kinkajou.
It was a little annoying that she hadn't offered to help him up but then again, the Gatekeeper took half of her empathy so it might not have crossed her mind... Yet.

Daniel sat up, rethinking the battle he just had. It was clear now that Willow was probably one of, if not the most powerful out of all of them.
'We're just lucky she isn't trying to kill us... Because if she was.. We wouldn't stand a chance at all...'

Eventually he regained his breath as he stood up, noticing the time from how the sun shifted across the sky.
He'd gotten use to telling the time this way since clocks and watches weren't available.

From the looks of it, maybe about an hour and a little more had passed and Daniel realised that it may be a good idea to head back before others got suspicious.
"Hey guys! We've been here a while, we should probably get back before others start to notice"

The two girls looked towards him before nodding and walking after him, soon the three of them silently flew back and quietly managed to sneak back into the school without anyone noticing and made it seem like they came from their sleeping cave.

It didn't really matter though as in the end most of everyone was gathered in the prey centre speaking with their parents.
Daniel saw Sundew with her two parents, Moon was with her mother, Qibli was with Thorn and Sunny, Peril was with Clay, who was oblivious to Perils very strong crush on him.
Turtle was with Tsunami who was being 'guarded' almost by a very protective queen Coral.
'Wow... I WONDER why she's so on edge...?'
Daniel thought with a smirk.

Finally, he spotted Winter and Star speaking with Another Icewing which Daniel recognised as Hailstorm.
Although his attention was taken away when he caught Glory putting something up on the notice board beside them.

Kinkajou also noticed this and her face lit up when she saw the older Rainwing. This made sense since she was still able to feel emotions since the Gatekeeper only took her empathy, although she had an easier time hurting others which was a little concerning.

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