An unexpected arrival

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The morning came sooner than Daniel had hoped for. The birds outside chirped happily as a ray of sunlight beamed into the cave and directly onto his face. 
Everyone else was sound asleep for the moment however since today was such a big day he expected they wouldn't be for long. 

Surprisingly Qibli was still asleep despite him being an early riser, they looked so peaceful... it was kind of ironic almost considering who they really were. 
Daniel took a deep breath as he got up off the ledge, normally he would go back to sleep at this hour but he was too nervous to. 

Instead he made his way out of the cave and down the corridors. It was much less creepy then it was last night however it was indeed just as desolate.

Well at least Daniel thought so but that was when yet another mysterious tap came from his shoulder.
He yelped slightly and jumped into the air, startled.

He turned around to see none other then Moon standing behind him shyly.
"Hey Hurricane..."

"Oh hey!" Daniel quickly spoke, letting his heart rate lower as he calmed down.
"Are You alright? You look... Worried" he said as he analysed the back dragon in front of him.

Moons eyes widened very slightly fire returning to normal.
"Oh I guess it's kind of obvious then..." Moon admitted with a small smile..

"Look if its about the Queens today don't worry about it, you'll be fine." Daniel reassured but to his surprise Moon shook her head.

"No it's not that... You see... I had a prophecy... A while back" Moon confessed.
Daniel eyes widened, he looked around making sure nobody was Nearby before turning back to her in a hushed voice.
"What was it about? Did you see the Gatekeeper again? Was Phyrria burning?"

Moon shook her head, "No... And that's the scary part... It had nothing to do with your prophecy or whatever you called it... This one.. It felt... Different."

Daniel was puzzled and his thoughts spiralled into possible ideas as he tried to make sense of it all.
'What does she mean by different? I mean she is a seer so I guess some prophecies may be more... Clear? Then others, though it still doesn't make much sense'

Daniel pondered for a moment before he asked.
"Can you recite it possibly?"
Moon shook her head, "at the time I heard it I didn't pay much attention to it becuse I thought it was the gatekeeper playing tricks on me, like he did to you guys." she paused for a moment..
"But now, now I think it wasn't him... I think it was real in a sort of sense? Does that make sense?"

Daniel shrugged, "Not really to tell you the truth but hey, I'm not a seer so I can't really have much of an input here." He chuckled a little bit before he returned to the matter.

"But in all seriousness, is there anything you remember from it?" Daniel asked, a slight worry building up in his stomach through he didn't know why..

"Yes, I remembered the last line quite clearly since it was the one who caught my attention...
'Face a great evil with talons united or none of the tribes will survive... '

Daniels eyes went wide. 'No... I'm hearing this wrong right? She didn't just recite a line from the Pantala's prophecy.... Right?'
He shook his head.
"Moon... Were the words 'Land across the Sea' mentioned at all in the prophecy.

Moon looked at him oddly as she closed her eyes to which she guessed helped her think.
There were a few moments of tense silence before she answered him..

"Yeah... Yes I think they were... How did you know?" Moon asked a little confused but Daniel had too many thoughts running through his mind to answer.

'Oh no... oh no this is bad. Not only are we going to have seven queens on our throats but also half of the Leafwing tribe coming into this place... What are we going to do...'
However this thought was soon replaced by another one as he now realised the timeline of the Wings of fire series may of been messed up more then he realised.

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