𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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Next morning was rough

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Next morning was rough. Had the best sleep of my life in my own bed but it was fucking rough. Nearly pissed my pants when I strolled into the front room to see my brother and ex-girlfriend cuddling on the couch watching some serial killer documentary on Netflix.

Romy went home last night, I wanted my first sleep in my bed to be on my own. Call me a selfish prick but when you've been sleeping on a bit of foam for the past two years, you'll understand.

My head was pounding a bit as I grabbed a water out of the fridge and put some bread in the toaster. "Afternoon," Carter comes up the stairs, slaps me on the back.

I elbowed him in the side and pointed my head in the direction of Albie and Harper. "No bullshitting, how long has this been going on?"

Carter rubs the back of his head, lets out a big breath. "After she visited you I think."

Fuck me. Well over a year then. I don't blame her. That visit was fucking awful and we still need to talk about it. The toaster popping brings my attention away from the pair and back to the kitchen.

I spread some butter on my toast and take a seat on one of the sofas opposite them. Harpers only wearing my brother's shirt which makes me a bit angry because they probably had sex last night. I understand that they've definitely had sex while I've been away but while I'm here? That's fucking harsh.

"Afternoon," Harper looks me over, not in a good way. Kind of like she's disgusted with me. "Where's Romy?"

I bite into my toast, not liking how this is going. "She didn't come back with me."

"Shame, I liked her." Harper tuts, turning her attention back to the TV. My brother looks at me like he doesn't know what to say.

Harper, Astrid and Mia hated Romy. I get it. She's a bit clingy and is probably only with me because of who I am. She wrote to me in prison, that's how I know her. Nothing sexual or seductive. Just a friend, really.

Albie visited a few times. Dad came a couple times as well, mum didn't though. Didn't want her to, didn't want her to see me in the state I was in. Same with Matilda and pretty much everyone else I cared about—including Harper. It just went a bit wrong when I told her I didn't want her to visit me.

I munch on my toast, purposely loudly so Harper looks over at me every now and then. I love the way her dark eyes glower at me as I smack my lips together. Any reaction I get out of her I'll take. I reckon it's going to be a while before we ever get back to how we used to be.

"What's on the agenda today, then?" Carter puts a T-shirt over his head as he joins me on the couch.

Harper gives him an unbelievable look, "I'm hanging out my arse, so absolutely nothing."

"I'm going to the club with Charlie later but that's about it." Albie's distracted by his phone, not really paying attention to the documentary.

"Can one of you drop me home in a minute?" Harper gets up from the couch, stretches her arms over her head, giving me an eyeful at those long, tanned legs that I've missed wrapped around my torso.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now