𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟎

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Mine and Alb's twenty-second bash is probably the craziest one yet

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Mine and Alb's twenty-second bash is probably the craziest one yet. Very last minute because we weren't really talking but it would've been weird to celebrate separately. We're twins for fuck sake, we'll always do something together.

Took a lot of persuading to get Harper to come, actually. Been glued to her sister's side this past week. We haven't really spoken since her breakdown. Carter went home with her, came back the next afternoon said she was completely fine. Mia spent the rest of the day with her and then she went up to Surrey. Haven't seen her since.

She's coming tonight, though because she's never not been at my side at my birthday. There's paparazzi outside waiting for everyone to turn up but we decided on a masquerade theme so it's gonna be hard to tell who's who.

Tonight's a bit of relief for me as well. Been training non fucking stop. Day at night. Clean eating, no drinking, just training all day. Good distraction, though. Keeps my mind off of fucking things up with Harper.

"You ready?" Alb pokes his head around my door wearing a black mask that covers his eyes with horns. I'm wearing a similar one but mines red. Wouldn't really say it's a house party. Still black tie attire just a lot more drugs, a lot more drink and a lot more drama.

"Yeah, she here yet?" I straighten my mask, smooth my hair behind my ears, remind myself to get a haircut soon.

Albie clicks his tongue, shakes his head. I focus back on my reflection as he walks out. I look a bit like the devil with my red mask and black suit. Knowing us, Harper will turn up in white looking like a fucking angel.

I go downstairs, whole place is decorated. There's a security guard at the bottom of the stairs case to stop people from going up. All the rooms downstairs are off-limits. Only the garden, pool room and rooftop balcony are open.

Doubled up on security at the front and all around the house. Debated taking down my real Monët from the walls but there's a guest list so even if I can't tell who is who, I know exactly who's here.

And just like our clubs, it's very exclusive, even more, so that it's in my actual home. Around two thousand, two thousand five hundred people are on the guest list. All people I know personally, done background checks on.

Randoms hang around outside all night in hopes of just getting a peek through the front door. Even if you don't know my family name personally, everyone knows about the first of June.

I go in the kitchen, Alb, Carter and Charlie are in there pre-drinking. We've changed the lighting throughout the whole downstairs, a dim red glow. Out front on either side of the front door are sconces with real fire. Similar ones line the walls inside as well. There's a bar downstairs, two outside, one on the terrace.

Flew a DJ in from Ibiza as well, know him quite well so it wasn't a problem. The two million pound water fountain in the garden has been dyed red. We got some professionals in and told them to do the place up. Lots of mirrors, balloons, fire everywhere. Looks a bit like the party from that Romeo and Juliet film.

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