𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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"You are one jammy bastard, you know that?" Carter strolls around my brand spanking new Switzerland mansion

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"You are one jammy bastard, you know that?" Carter strolls around my brand spanking new Switzerland mansion. Private land. 14 bedrooms. 16 bathrooms. Two swimming pools. Cinema. Spa. Tennis court. Stables. Got fucking everything.

"Am I?" I wonder, my eyes glued to the fucking tabloid on my phone screen.

"Yeah, well, we're related so it's technically mine as well." He shrugs, jogging up the brown marble spiral staircase. I nod, walk through the open-plan living and kitchen area till I'm on the first-floor terrace. Excellent view of my acres of land. Great landscape of mountains, too.

Don't normally get like this over properties but I really do like this one. Can't enjoy it much because so much has been fucking up. Left Harper that morning at the crack of dawn, had to sort some shipment problems in Marbella. Give some people their drugs, make sure my guys were doing their jobs.

Didn't know the fucking paparazzi were lurking on my private beach, though. Got a nice little shot of me handing Iris Monroe a couple grams of coke. The picture is so deceiving, it actually makes me furious. Iris was angry at the mess about with the money because the shipment hadn't come in and she's already paid. My guys said they'd get it to her on a certain date and didn't.

If you could watch pictures, in that very moment the picture was taken you'd hear the both of us shouting. Me because I wasn't there and had no control over it and her because she was spiralling on a comedown.

Weren't even in Spain for longer than six hours, got straight on the jet over to Switzerland to have a look at this place. Bought it a while back but hadn't had a chance to look at it in person yet because they were doing up some of the bedrooms.

I think it's mainly for a new input for our drugs. We're getting very big on that front which means we're also getting lots of interest with arms and also other people in our position. I've been busy sorting out what men I need to have over here.

My dad actually doesn't have much part in this side of things. He's just a bit more on the physical side of it all—the killing. But between me, Alb and Charlie we must have at least forty-five properties all over Europe.

We have drugs and weapons coming in all day every day to these warehouses and properties. Not to mention the shit that goes down at the Forbes clubs—which my dad just mentioned over the phone that he's planning to turn into a fucking hotel empire.

So, yeah, things are amping up a bit. I've figured I only want a handful of guys in this house. I want to keep it as a holiday home just for me and my fucking family. It's the least I could do for myself.

Dad also informed me on the phone that he can get me out to New York today to put that Barnaby prick in the ground. I really don't have time for petty tabloid drama but fuck, when it comes to Haysie...

All of this would be so much easier if I had Albie or Charlie with me but they all come back to wherever they went off to tonight. Their week holidaying is over the second they touch British tarmac.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now