𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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I'm kissing and feeling up Romy when Harper and Mia turn up at our table

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I'm kissing and feeling up Romy when Harper and Mia turn up at our table. Right there, shooting daggers at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Where's Albie?" She snaps at me. Proper rude about.

"Pissing, your lapdog'll be back in a second don't panic." Why am I being such a cunt?

Romy starts laughing, burying her face in the crook of my neck. She smells like funeral flowers, not a fan. Still not sure what we are but after the moment in my office, we've been getting along pretty well in the bedroom. She's been staying at the house with me and the boys for a bit.

"Perfect," Harper smiles, moving in next to Carter on the table. She looks fucking mouth-watering tonight. It's a black dress—not a fan of all this black—with long sleeves and a deep v in the front, giving me a clear view of her cleavage.

Albie comes back from the toilet and moves back to where he was sitting except he moves Harper onto his lap and his arms go around her waist. Fucking hate that so much.

"Isn't this fun?" Carter leans back, runs a hand through his messy blonde hair and lets out an awkward laugh.

"I'm on the edge of my seat," Charlie jokes. There's complete silence at the table. Harper gives me evil eyes the whole time, resting her chin in her hand and nibbling at her nails.

Want to reach over and rip her hand away but I can't so instead, I brush Romy's hair from her bare shoulder and kiss it while I keep eye contact with Harper.

Her jaw visibly hardens and fuck does it get me going. I hate that her anger gets me off but I'm not used to us being like this.

"I'm feeling nauseous, I need a drink." Harper looks behind her at Alb, he nods and the two of them leave the table.

"Was she saying that about me? I make her feel sick?" Romy looks around at the table, eyes landing on me.

Mia laughs and turns to Charlie but she's talking to Romy, "it's probably the kindest thing she's said about you."

Charlie shakes his head, chuckling. Romy scoffs, "fucking bitch."

Hate that even more, I think—her shit-talking Harper. I nudge her arm. "Oi, don't fucking talk about her like that."

Romy rolls her eyes and it's then that Harper chooses to walk back over, hearing the last of that.

"What did you just say?" She points one finger at Romy on my lap while holding a tumbler of Whiskey.

"She called you a fucking bitch," Carter tells Harper. Fucking shit-stirrer, he'll get it later.

Harper nods to herself, looking oddly calm which is pretty fucking off-putting. "Just leave it, yeah?"

Her eyes flick to mine, pure resentment flashing in them. "You can go fuck yourself." Charlie sucks in a breath, covering his laugh with a cough.

It's then I realise her slurred voice. She's fucking plastered already which means she must've drunk before she came out. I nod my head at Albie and he touches her arm.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now