𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟑

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Four days later after zip lining, boat trips, hiking and partying at beach clubs after saying this was a relaxing holiday, we sit around by the pool playing saying never have I ever with alcohol

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Four days later after zip lining, boat trips, hiking and partying at beach clubs after saying this was a relaxing holiday, we sit around by the pool playing saying never have I ever with alcohol.

I think we're all a bit more than slightly pissed at this point. But I needed Harper distracted. It's the seventh of July. Rose died on the eighth of July. Neither of us has bought it up. She hasn't forgotten about it, obviously but rather, she's trying not to remember it.

Maybe she thinks I don't know or that I forgot but I haven't. I never will. I have the date inked on my skin, a constant reminder of what could've been.

Harper's been distant the past couple days. No one's said anything but we all know. She's hidden it well. We haven't made it known that we know, either. She hates that—people walking on eggshells around her.

"Okay, okay," Mia claps. "Never have I ever...watched porn."

"Oh that's piss easy," Astrid takes her shot of tequila without flinching, the rest of us following suit apart from Carter.

"Give me a break," Harper laughs. "Or do you need a bigger cup?"

Carter shakes his head, "I've never watched porn—never needed to. By the time everyone found out what it was, I was doing the real thing."

Everyone goes silent. Carter glances around as if to say 'What? That's completely normal'. Leave it down to him to make absolutely anything dirty or awkward.

"Okay, fair enough," Harper nods slowly. "Moving on..."

"Um." We all turn to look at Charlie, a smile growing on his face. "Never have I ever had a threesome."

"I had one yesterday," Mia holds her shot up before downing it.

Carter takes one, Alb takes on. I don't, Harper doesn't and so we all face our sex-addicted friends.

Astrid laughs sheepishly before taking her shot, Charlie doing the same. "What?!" Astrid bursts out.

"Filth," Mia waves her hand, a look of fake disgust on her face. "Pure filth."

"Alright, never have I ever shot up heroin," Carter grins, holding back laughter at his own joke. Of course, he's the only one who drinks. We all sort of share looks, not sure if we should laugh. "Fucking hell, cheer up—it was a joke." Carter rolls his eyes after an uncomfortably long second of silence.

Carter's problem with drugs is like a toxic relationship. On and off, soul-destroying and scary. There's a few sacred things we don't talk about in our group. Rose, Carter's addictions and Albie being so blatantly in love with Harper. But if we needed help with any of those things, we'd be there within the blink of an eye. An unspoken rule of sorts.

"Never have I ever..." Albie starts then locks eyes with me. "Had sex on something that wasn't a bed. Like a desk or something."

We all drink.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now