𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟎

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A few weeks later, I'm shaking hands with the Prime minister in the foyer of the brand new Forbes hotel in Mayfair

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A few weeks later, I'm shaking hands with the Prime minister in the foyer of the brand new Forbes hotel in Mayfair.

"Pleasure," I smile, patting his back once before waking off.

Harper's here. Seen her twice. Want to go over to her, say sorry, kiss it all better but I know better. Blocked on everything, she got Astrid to give me her key for my place back—that fucking stung.

No one's talking to me much, don't blame them. Can hardly look myself in the mirror. Alb filled me in at the hospital once I came down from cloud nine. Told me the state Harper was in and said if I want after her, he'd kill me so I stayed put.

Hoped to see her walking around, maybe on Bond Street, had a look in Chanel to try and find her but she's been AWOL. Even went and checked fucking tabloids and it's been scarce. It's like she left London but I know she hadn't because Astrid and Mia had been to see her. They didn't tell me where she was although I had to good idea.

I lean against the bar, watching her do her thing with Jude Tilden because he's a slut and she hates me. She looks good, though. Makes me nervous, actually. Would much prefer if she looked like shit so then I could gather how she's been taking this.

The theme of the opening is fucking Sinners and Saints which is helping me to no extant. She looks fucking amazing and I have never hated myself more. Nice little up-do thing she's been doing lately, overheard her tell one of the paps she's wearing some strapless Oscar de La Renta strapless dress. Don't really care, to be honest. Just know that if we weren't currently how we are, it'd end up on my bedroom floor tonight and now that won't be happening.

The theme fits in with the hotel. The dark walls, gold accents, low lights. It's not your average hotel. It's been built and decorated to our every taste. It represents the Forbes name. Dark, seductive, elusive. Every one of our clubs is a playground for the filthy rich and now we're expanding it. There's a clear split in society and our places boast the luxury we were born into.

I know she's just as—possibly even more—fucked about this as me. Despite her biting her lip and giving the straw in her martini a blowjob, she's wrecked. I can tell. I can see straight through her.

And I can also tell she doesn't really want to sleep with Tilden because every time he touches her, she looks over at me. Makes sure she's hurting me the same way I hurt her.

"Oi, prick." I turn around, Charlie walks over with Astrid on his arm. "Harper's having it off with Tilden."

"I know," I mutter, stare down at the ice cube in my whiskey, pretend it's not absolutely killing me. Hate that it is because didn't I do this to her?

"Cry yourself a river, Forbes, you broke her heart," Astrid rolls her eyes.

"Alright, A—don't need to hear it from you as well, mate."

Charlie gives me a look for talking to his girl like that but fuck him, fuck them all. No one's bothered to ask my side. Everyone but Albie just thinks I shagged behind her back just because I wanted to. I can only hold onto that slither of hope I have that Albie told Harper the truth.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now