𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟒

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After Harper walks away from me, I go back downstairs to my office

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After Harper walks away from me, I go back downstairs to my office. Fuck Alb, fuck him, really. How fucking dare he do that to me? I don't even blame Harper for this. Her dad called me earlier, told me they told her about Heidi's cancer.

I hadn't known for ages. Em called me in New York when I went to sort out the photographer. Emerson told me not to tell Harper because Heidi wanted to. I'd been on edge about it since, keeping something like that from her is fucked but I understood.

It wasn't my place to tell, it's her sister and her sister's business. Family business that for once, doesn't concern me till it concerns Harper which is now. So now is when I step in and let her do her thing. I knew she wasn't going to shag Alb, a kiss is what I was expecting but still, fucking stung a bit. Jesus.

Just then, Tony barges into my office. "Uh, do you fucking min—"

"Get the fuck up," he orders, rushing over to the sofa and lifting up the cushions. He throws me a loaded AK-102, I take it without question. Pick up the Smith & Wesson M&P40 on my desk and tuck it in my waistband.

"What the fuck?" I ask calmly. Tony paces around, loaded with his own weapons no doubt.

"Fucking lockdown, Essex pricks have bought the Calvary. They're outside."

"And what?" I press. "They're gonna shoot? The fuck are they gonna do?" Just as the words leave my lips, the window above my head caves in, the glass smashing everywhere.

Tony picks up a brick attached to it is a bullet. From there it's all a blur, screams, shouts, gunshots go off upstairs. We both run out, I clock my gun. All I can think about is Haysie.

Charlie comes out of one of the offices, zips up his jeans with one hand, an AK-47 slung over his shoulder. I know Albie upstairs, I know he's with Haysie. Call it some fucking twin telepathy shit but I just know.

Half my men are ahead of me on the stairs, there's people upstairs twenty-four-seven anyway. This place is fully guarded no matter what, I'm more than prepared for shit like this to go down. Just a bit shit it's happening now.

Charlie leans against the wall opposite me, we lock each other in the eye. Astrid's still in the office, she's safe in there. It's bulletproof, like a fucking safe. I need to get Harper in there. That's my one goal. Get Harper with Astrid.

It's gone silent. There's people walking around, glass smashing but no gunshots, no screaming. I wait a few seconds. I know it's Pat up there, apparently cutting his fingers off wasn't enough. Although, I have a feeling this is for something different.

I took Vinnie from him—the little drug runner who I took under my wing. He's here tonight actually. A strange coincidence. He's no trouble, Vinnie, really quite calm. But Pat wants him back now, he humoured me for a while but now he wants what's his. He wants my club too but we all know that's not gonna fucking happen.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now