𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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Once me and George stopped kissing and I snoozed my alarm several times, he told me to go to sleep and to go to Forbes later in the day for my first shift

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Once me and George stopped kissing and I snoozed my alarm several times, he told me to go to sleep and to go to Forbes later in the day for my first shift. So when I do eventually wake up, I'm shocked to see my bed completely empty and cold on one side.

"Is there any reason George was hot-footing it out of here without a shirt on at seven in the morning?" Mia strolls into my bedroom with a bowl of cereal and slides into bed next to me.

"He obviously stayed the night," I snap—don't mean to because I'm not annoyed at Mia, just trying to fight down the disappointment in me. I see his weekend bad still sitting on my chest of drawers so I know it wasn't a mistake. But I still don't understand why he didn't even stick around for breakfast.

"Was it as good as you remember? Worse? Was Albie better—? Oh, can you please tell me who's bigger, I—"

I turn my head. "We didn't have sex, Mia. Jesus, who do you think I am?"

She huffs, "I don't know, do I? But you were in bed with him while he was shirtless. I would've had sex with him. Cannot blame a girl for that, Harper."

I push my covers away from my body and flick the light on in my en-suite. "Yeah, well, we didn't. We just—" I cut myself off because I actually can't take a lecture from her right now.

Mia slams her bowl on the side table and pokes her head around the bathroom door. "You just what?"

"I just..." I eye her, try and gather what she's thinking while I strip off and step into the shower. "We just." I opt for waving my hand around and hope she picks up.

"Just what!" She stomps her foot.

"Where's Astrid?" I ask although I'm not sure she can hear me over the water.

"I don't know. Some lunch thing, I think. But can you tell me what you and George did? I was fully joking about the sex thing, by the way. I'll be really mad if I found out you took him back that quickly."

"We did not have sex! Now, will you drop it, please? I'm trying to shower in peace."

"Well, I'm not leaving till you tell me. I'm your best friend, I have a right to know." She pushes her way into my bathroom and actually sits crossed-legged on my sink countertop.

"We kissed! There you go. We had a kiss." I throw my soapy hands up in aggravation and make a rather animalistic face that she can't see through the blurred shower door.

Mia's quiet for a moment. "Was it a proper snog? With, like, tongue and hands? Did he feel you up?"

It felt like he had lit my entire body on fire last night but I can already smell the judgment mixing in with my vanilla body wash. "Nope. None of that rubbish. Just a quick, little goodnight peck on the lips."

"Oh," I can see her frowning without seeing her frowning. "Alrighty then."

"George likes to sleep with his top off if you must know. I'm not a complete rabbit—I can control my sexual urges." I finish up in the shower and wrap a big fluffy towel around myself.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now