𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟒

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"No—it's fine, it's all okay," Astrid stresses, pacing the length of the kitchen

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"No—it's fine, it's all okay," Astrid stresses, pacing the length of the kitchen. "I'll just call my dad, have him unfreeze my accounts."

I stand with my back against George's chest, his arms around my neck like a necklace. We got back from dinner an hour ago and so far it's been a lot of silences and a lot of Astrid doing what she's doing right now.

"Oh god," She heaves, bending over. "I think I'm having a panic attack—Charlie!" She shouts, lifting her head. Eyes filled with worry.

Charlie and I both rush to her side, rubbing her back. "It's fine—Astrid, it's completely okay. It happens to the best of us." I look at Charlie, he smiles wonkily. It doesn't happen to the best of us but she doesn't need to know that right now.

Mia comes over, pushes her way between me and Astrid to stroke her hair. "Three's a crowd, Mia. You know that."

She gives me a look, backs off. Good. She doesn't deserve friends like me and Astrid right now.

I don't even know how to feel about that whole thing. I mean, Albie and Mia? What the fuck. She is the last person I'd put down to her sleeping with him. They're not even that close as friends. Makes me sick. A full-body shudder wracks through me, I take a small step back from my other, loyal, non-skank best friend to catch my own breath.

Day before my baby's death anniversary too? Talk about respect. And class for that matter, too. Mia gives it all that she's modest and classy when in actual fact, she is the total opposite. I can't even look at them—sitting there watching everything unfold.

"Mia," I breathe out. Everyone puts their attention on me. First time I've addressed her all night. "Go to your room, please. Your face is making me nauseous."

Carter snorts, covers it up with a cough. Mia stands up, takes a step so she's in front of me. "Are you being serious?"

"Go to your room, Mia. Alb, too, actually." George adds before I can even say anything. Mia turns to look at him but when he nods his chin over at her, she silently sulks off. Albie follows. I hold my breath till they go into their respective bedrooms.

The air loosens up a bit then. Charlie leads Astrid over to the sofa. George sits down next to them and they start talking. All leaned heads and hushed words. Me and Carter stay in the kitchen, giving them their space.

"Fuck me—do you fancy a drink?" Carter offers, opening the fridge.

"I do, actually. Can you make it strong? Like stronger than you usually do."

"Mhm," he mutters, tongue poking out as he pours us both a straight vodka over ice. Hands it over to me, I don't think twice about taking the biggest mouthful you've ever seen. Do wince a bit though.

"What do you think's going on, then?" I ask Carter, swirling my tumbler, watching the ice cube hit the sides and the liquid splash over the sides.

"Asking the wrong person—not a fucking clue, mate. Question is, how are you feeling? Mia and Alb? That's gotta fucking sting, surely?" He does actually look concerned which is nice I suppose but I don't actually really give a fuck.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now