𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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Arriving home after Christmas was actually pretty refreshing

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Arriving home after Christmas was actually pretty refreshing. I walk through my front door at ten in the morning on Boxing Day to be greeted by pure silence.

Astrid wasn't back for another couple days. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. Mia was due back on the thirtieth. Normally, I would stay up there for a couple more days but I just wanted to get out.

Christmas is still my favourite time of year but it's just the memories in that house that taint my mood. Everyone else minus myself, Heidi and Matilda are staying there for a few more days. Heidi dropped me at my apartment and then went down the road to her Knightsbridge home shared with Matilda. I'm sure they're going straight to Heathrow for some fittings in Milan.

I set my suitcase in the hallway along with my bag on the side table and kick my shoes off. It's a nice quiet, actually. Normally I don't like silence. I like things to be busy and loud so it drowns out my thoughts but for once, I'm glad no one else is here.

It's still pretty early in the day, all the shops are flooded with sales so I make a mental note to get onto Net-a-Porter later and do some online shopping. I make the most of the day, though. I have a nice long hot bath, do a hair mask, face mask, light some candles.

By the time I've finished unpacking all my Christmas gifts and sent out some thank you notes, it's six in the evening. Pitch black outside, the streets quiet and my mind slowly filling up.

Taking some deep breaths, I decide the best way to come down from this mini anxiety attack is to order some food and online shop.
The black clothes are really starting to put a downer on my mood. I don't want to move on from Rosie, I don't think I ever will but buying new clothes is a start. A start to turn the bad into good.

I haven't texted George since I arrived home. For one, I don't have his new number and secondly, us being together isn't us dating. More like a trial run? We're not together together. Just being us, I suppose.

Ordering from a local Italian place, I eat carbonara and pizza while scrolling on my laptop for the rest of the evening. Before I can actually purchase anything, I'm passed out in my bed. Christmas Day really was exhausting but I'm blaming that on George and Albie.


The sounds of rustling and quiet, un-coherent mumbling and swearing wakes me the next afternoon. Blinking awake, I shuffle up in my bed and grab my phone while calling out, "Astrid? Mia?"

I can't remember if either girls were going to be back by now but if they are, I'm not complaining—a little company wouldn't go amiss right now.

"Yeah, it's like the backstage of a fucking fashion show in here, Harper." Astrid stumbles over something to my door in all her long legs and blonde hair glory.

"What are you talking about?" I scroll on my phone, half listening to her and half paying attention to the new picture of myself that's been posted on the Tatler Instagram page.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now