𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒

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Moving day

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Moving day. Feeling fucked about it. Haysie goes to New York tomorrow but she's here with me helping me sort my shit out in my new bedroom.

Place is fucking huge, though. Nine bedrooms, two kitchens, twelve bath. Nice open dining room and living area. Alright for a party, actually.

Charlie's got a place on Park Lane still. He likes it there. Might be a bit weird without him here, though. Carter hasn't gone off grid which was unexpected so he's walking around making a list of all the rooms he needs to christen. I think my dad might've gotten through to him this time but I'm not holding my breath.

The dinner the other night was proof that it ain't all dandy with him. He disappeared for a bit but I thought better than to bring it up. We were all a bit fucked that night—the next morning as well. But it's been a few days since then and he's been in my line of sight since.

"What is this?" Harper holds up the Alexandra Llewellyn Skull Poker set.

"Poker set," I shrug and go back to sorting my wardrobe out.

"You have a fifteen grand poker set?" She deadpans, eyeing the box.

I stand up, brush my knees. "When I play I like to play well."

"Right. Keep, then?" She puts it down on top of my dresser anyway.

When dad first said we were moving, I got funny because I thought I'd be away from Haysie. Turns out, she's four minutes away. I'm in a cul-de-sac in Belgravia and Beaufort Gardens is in the same Kensington square. It was always comforting to know that her family home was thirty seconds up the road, though.

Harper sits on my bed flicking through a bunch of photos sitting inside an old Louis Vuitton travel bag. "Oh! Do you remember this?"

I look over my shoulder. It's of me, her and Astrid back in boarding school. They're both wearing short little dresses with me in the middle while they bend at the waist and press a kiss to either of my cheeks. A joint hangs out of my mouth, my white shirt unbuttoned and bow tie hanging loosely from my collar. Looks like some sort of prom after-party.

"Was that prom?" I snatch the photo and study it closer. Must've been about fifteen or sixteen there. The background is dark but there's some shadow.

"Yeah, we were outside. Albie decked Ben Keating a few seconds after this. How do you not remember?" She shakes her head, flicks through the other memories.

Must've been pretty fucked that night because all I can remember is having Haysie up against one of the empty corridors in the school.

"Okay, what about this?" She throws a picture onto my lap. It's me and Carter topless in the garden of my house up in Wiltshire. Carter's holding a rugby ball while I hook an arm around his neck, flexing the barely there muscle's in my other arm. I remember this. Harper took the picture. My eyes aren't focused though, they're staring above the camera because she was wearing a little red bikini that day.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now