Fear not

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Your pov
"Donnie?" He stood up and dusted himself off. "Yes, it is I. Fear not." 'First, why does he talk like that? Second, why was he following me?' He walked over to where his goggles were and put them back on his head. I looked closer through the darkness and remembered the drawn-on eyebrows. I looked at the staff in my hand. It was made out of some kind of metal. I felt it and gave it a light tap on the ground. "Titanium?" I said under my breath. He snatched it back from me. "Indeed it is." I put a hand on my hip. "And high grade... where did you get that from?" He put it on his back and crossed his arms. "I made it." My eyes widened. "You're an inventor?" He put a hand on his chest. "That I am." 'Again with the talking.'

I walked over to my stuff. "You know it's weird to spy on people you just met," I said as I picked up my bag and hoverboard. I turned to him. "Why were you following me in the first place?" He looked at my board. "First of all," he poked at my bag. "You know it's weird to take something that isn't yours." 'Is he mocking me?' "Second of all, you intrigue me." I looked at him with a brow raised. "Me? Intriguing? Please." I waved him off. "Well you are a human in a city of yokai and mutants, so yes." He looked at my board again. "Did you make that?" He pointed at it. I looked down at it, then back at him. "I did, yes." He stuck out his hands. "Even more intriguing."

I looked at my phone. 'There has to be something else.' I closed my phone and looked back at him. "What else?" He looked at me slightly confused. "Excuse me?" "I mean being a human in this place and being an inventor like yourself is cool and all..." I walked closer to him. "But there has to be something else..." I stared him in the eye. He took off his goggles. He pulled out a familiar atone from the side of it. "You see this Y/n? It's a stone that detects any shape or form of mystic energy." I had seen it before... but where? He put it back in his goggles and handed it to me. "Combine it with my, amazing, goggles and you can see pretty much anything mystic."

I put them on and looked around. Every yokai, witch, and wizard was glowing a pink hue. I took them off and looked back at him. "OK. That is amazing and all, but what is your point?" He took them back and put them on. He looked at me and pressed a button on the side. The lenses flashed like a camera. He gave them to me again. "Take a look." I hesitantly put them back on and saw an image of me. Regular, plain, old me. I felt him stand behind me. His hands moved mine and he clicked a button. The image changed to a different one. It was me but I was... glowing? 'Ohhhhhh. Ok.'

I took them off and turned to face him. "Listen, genius boy." I shoved them back into his hands. "Whatever you think, stop thinking. I'm not some yokai-mutant thing ok?" I walked to the edge. "Well then what exactly are you? No human has mystic energy." I stood on the edge and turned around. "One of a kind." I winked at him and jumped off.

Donnie's pov
She winked at me and jumped off the edge. I ran over and looked into the street. A gust of wind past my face. I followed the blur and saw Y/n flying in the air. They write something on a piece of paper and scrunched it up. She threw it at me. I caught it and unscrunched it. It was a phone number with a smiley face next to it. "If you ever wanna talk instead of, y'know, being a creep, then call me." And with that, she flew off. 'Where are they going?' I activated my shell and flew after her.

She jumped off of the flying board into an alley next to Hueso's restaurant. They knocked on the door and it opened. I swooped down and stuck in before the door closed. "Listen, bone man. I know I don't say this much but... thank you. For everything." She and Hueso were walking to the portal that lead back up to New York. "Pequeño, just remember what I told you." Y/n laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Don't pick fights, don't share details of the hidden city, and don't get into trouble. Chill Skelington.  I'll be fine. And besides, it's not like you're my dad." He stopped at a wall. "I know, but you are my best worker."

He reached into his pocket and got a bundle of cash. "Here. Your pay for the day." She took it and put it in one of their pockets. She looked at the wall and back at Hueso. "So you said that there's a trader out in the alley that takes yokai money for-" "Yes, si, si, now go!" Y/n put their hands up and faced the wall. "Okay... jeez." The wall opened up and she took a step back.

Your pov
I looked at it and took a breath. 'The big thing.' I stepped through into a dirty ally. I looked back and saw Hueso waving at me. I waved back and the wall closed up. There was a graffiti painting of a skull on the wall instead. 'Huh. Suits.' I looked to the end of the alley and saw a homeless-looking person. I talked to him. He was friendly and told me of places to see. I got the money and walked to the entrance of the alley.

There was a crash behind me. I slowly turned around and saw Donnie standing up. I sighed and put a hand on my hip. "Really?" He gained balance and looked at me. "I know what this looks like! But fear not! I am here to guide you." I was unimpressed. "Hueso told you to look over me, didn't he?" He nodded. "He said you had no were to go... and that he didn't want you to beat up some random person." I slapped my hand to my face and dragged it down. "Ughhh. This is gonna be a long day."

Word count: 1092
A/n: Hello again readers. Just wanna say that I do not plan on making this short. So if you like the longer stories. This is for you. Thank you and goodbye.

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