Go to hell

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!Trigger warning! Blood and gore
You have been warned

Donnie's pov (filler)

He snatched the katana out of the wall and sheathed them back. "Donnie, you're driving." Mikey and I share a look of concern before following him.

"Whadda we do with this?" April remarks. I slow down so that I can hear them talk for a little longer. "We can't just bring it with us, but we can't just leave it behind."

Mikey senses me and turns around. I stop completely and turn my head back. "Then we should destroy it." April talks back with confidence. "Splints and I will stay here and take care of business.

Dad hums in agreement. I see Casey's shadow approach and begin walking again. "Thanks, Commander O'Neil." I shake my head and hug myself.

They didn't say anything about Y/n. Leo said nothing. I haven't put a tracker on them yet. I don't know where she is or if she's hurt. 'Pozza supreme, stay by their side.'

Raphs pov

I sigh and open my eyes. My head is sore and my heart is pumping at 100 miles per hour. I look at my shoulder and see an eyeball. I grunt and try to move, but I'm stuck in place.

I look around for an escape but see nothing. My eyes fall forward and I see Y/n stuck on a chair with the same eyeball goo. "Y/n!?" I look at her stomach. It's still bleeding but not as much.

"Oh, look at it." I turn my head and see the girl Krang staring right back at me. She laughed quietly and climbs on the slime.

She wrapped a tentacle thing around my head and moved around. "Disgusting." She spat. I groan and shake around. "Try lookin' in a mirror," I yell back.

She flinched at my voice and squeezed me tighter. "Ugh, it's talking to me." She crawls around me again and stared me down with a smile. "I'm going to rip out its tongue."

"Forgive my sister." We both look forward in shock and watch the first Krang emerge from the darkness. She jumped down. The other Krang did too.

The first krang frowns at me and eyes his sister. "She's got a bit of a temper." I scoff and roll my eyes. 'Ya think?' I groan as I drop to the floor, still being held back with slime.

He goes on about being trapped in the prison dimension. "Being in a prison for a thousand years hasn't done her any favours."

He smiles and clicks his tongue. His slimy brow raised as he examined me. "You're not human... what are you?" He holds my head with his gooey limb.

"Let me go, and I'll show you." I jump at him but nothing happens. His limb falls off my face and he stared at me. "You're more powerful than the people of this planet," He pointed out.

I sling back into place as he continued. "Yet you defend them. Why?" His voice is slick and still. "It's my duty!" I snarled through my teeth.

He chuckled and leaned closer. "A word used by the weak. Many planets before yours have spoken of duty." He smiled and stood tall. "They too have been consumed by the Krang."

He turned away from me and started walking to Y/n. "And now our glorious crusade continues, to restore the natural order of things."

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