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April's pov

Y/n steps through the door and lets the wood slam on the frame. I look at Donnie. He stares through the little glass frame and watches her walk away.

I turn to Draxum. "Alright. Is someone gonna explain what we just heard, or are we still sworn to silence?" I wave my hands around to emphasise my point.

Draxum sighs and rubs the line between his eyes. "That went better than expected." He whispered to himself. I squint and raise a brow.

I hold both my hands in the air and spun on the spot. "Hello? Answers? Where are you?" I stop at the sudden groan. "Do you remember that night when Y/n... changed?"

Donnie walled up next to me. "Yes. The same night, we kicked you out." Don crossed his arms and sassed. I follow and cross my arms while leaning my weight on one leg.

"Meridian. That's who it was." He stroked the side of his face as if he could feel a phantom slap or something. "Meridian, Elvenia, Alastair and Silas. The four mystic warriors. Protectors of all worlds."

Donnie seemed to relax his arms as they dropped a little. "Y/n is the last descendant of all of them." He sighs and stands up. "But for what she knows, they have parents."

He strikes his arm in the air like the clearing off a table. "Lies." He clenched his fists beside him. "Y/n is pure mystic energy. A source. Energy."

Donnie pulls his goggles out of his hoodie pocket and looks at them. "Donatello, you know well enough that energy can not be created nor destroyed."

Don looks up and nods. "Y/n is another converted stage of their energy." If I'm going, to be honest, I don't think I ever listened in science, but I've listened to enough of Donnie's rants to have some idea of what they're talking about.

"Many years ago, the four warriors each added energy to different life forms. One from Hiden City and one from up here. Siblings who were never born. But made."

Donnies' pov

"They stored those energies away for centuries. Only made to come to life in the world's time of need. The two never met again."

Y/n isn't human. Energy. Or to Draxum, a battery. This made sense but was also extremely confusing. "The youngest, the Yokai sibling, was spawned after the deaths of the original four. All of their energy went to him."

Y/n doesn't know their parent. She doesn't know that they don't have any regardless. She doesn't know about any of this.

"But he faltered. He fell in love and had a child. A family." Draxum laughed. 'Why is he laughing?' "He wasn't trained. He wasn't prepared. And so, he died."

April's arms flopped to her sides. I continue to focus on his words. "Yes, the world, maybe the universe, was depending on him." He put a hand on his chin and stroked it. "But nothing ever happened."

April spoke up. "But you said he died." Draxum nods. "And that he did." I looked down at my gauntlet. "Over the time that he didn't use his powers, his energy moved to the next."

I look out the glass panel, hoping that Y/n would come back. They deserve to know. "Mystic warriors have unlimited immunity. They live for as long as they desire. That was taken away from him, and so he died with age."

I look back at the sheep man. "So they can't die?" I question. Draxum waves a hand from side to side. "Something like that."

His hand dropped and so dies his gaze. "From there, that is all I know." I hold a hand up. " Hold on. You said that the four mystic warriors died, though."

He nods. "They died doing their duty." April and I looked at each other.

"Saving the world."

Your pov

The cafeteria is empty. I look at the clock on the wall. Classes were finished. 'What a day.' I hold my bag strap tight and walk out into the locker hall. There was one block of the school that I hadn't been to yet.

I push on the metal panel, and the door opens with a loud click. 'Keeping everything unlocked? What a school.' I walk in and put my hands in the pockets of my jacket.

The room echoes when the door closes. Ropes hung from the wall. Bleachers wind around the room and over exits and entrances. My ripped-up shoes squeak on the floor with every step that I take. Coloured lines are drawn on the glossy floor. I take a deep breath. "The gym," I say under my breath.

My bag dropped off my shoulder and crashed on the floor. I wander to the ropes. I look up at the shining bell at the top. I look down at my legs. 'I can make that.'

I pull my hands out of my pocket and take a step back. I bend down and launch myself up. I watch the rope fly past my face and the golden bell near me.

I lift my hand and skim the rim of the signal and listen to it ring. I land on the squishy mat below each rope and stand up. The ring travels through the large arena before falling silent.

A shuddered breath leaves my lugs and my knees buckle underneath me. Tears fall from my eyes like a dam wall opening.

December 12 2021. Year 10 of losing Edward and Hannah.

I wipe my face with my sleeve and hiccup. "What a fucking day." I gasp. Silent sobs escape through my hand as I cover my mouth.

I fall back and bring my knees to my chest. I bury my face in my legs and let my tears soak into the fabric that covers them.

The room suddenly gets colder and a shiver rolls up my spine. I peek out from my cell. My eyes travel to the windows on the side if the building.

'Snow.' I hit the ground with my palms as I stand up aggressively. "FUCKING PERFECT!" I laugh and run a hand through my hair.

Number 1: 10th anniversary of losing my caretakers.
Number 2: Snowing like that day
Number 3: I'm alone.

I don't mind being alone. I'm used to it. But why did I urge to have someone with me? Why did I have this unknown aching feeling in my heart?

I clenched the fabric on my chest while laughing. Laughing at nothing. But I try to laugh about it to try to hide the tears in my eyes.


Word count: 1111
A/n: no words. Just satisfaction. Thank you and goodbye.

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