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Your pov

"M-m-my pick?" I shrug and nod while looking around. "I don't know this place, so you can show me around on our way there."

He swallowed a lump in his throat and eased up. He looked around and stopped in one direction. "This way."

He pulls me into a jog. I laugh and run beside him. "Where are we going." He looks at me. "We need tokins to play, dumb dumb."

I roll my eyes. "You say that like I was supposed to know." We stop running and pull up to some kind of exchange machine.

Donnie reaches into his pocket and pulls out some leftover change. "Uh... what are you doing?" He looks at me as he puts a 20-dollar note in. "Paying for tokens?"

I look at the machine up and down. "With that?" He nods and counts his coins. "That's what you do." I shook my head and slipped my bag off. "Not from what I remember."

The machine spits out gold tokens with the arcade logo on them like coins. Donnie scoops them out and shoves them into his coat pocket. "What did you do?"

Our hands fall apart, and I step forward to the machine and copy what Donnie did. "I dunno. I just remember getting pennies and shoving them in the games."

I pay 50 dollars and put my wallet away. "That's what they used to do." The machine spits out my exchange, and I fill my pockets with them. "They stopped doing that though because of the low about of money that they owned."

He begins to walk, and I follow next to him. "Why?" He shrugs. "It costs more money to change the coin slots, I guess." I nod.

We stop at the intersection of games and look around. "Now that lane is claw machines, that's the pinball games, and this is the two-player games. That alley next to it is single-player." He points to each one and explains.

We walk down the two-player aisle, and I look around. "Hey, you said there was food and drinks here." He nods and stops at a certain game. "That I did."

He enters a token, and the game springs to life. 'Waiting for player two.' Flashes on the screen. I look around us again and try to remember the main lobby.

I enter a token and stand at my post. "I don't see anything food-related, Donnie." He places his hands on his controls and looks at me. "That is because you need to pay in credits."

I place my hands on my contest and watch the countdown. "And what are those?" A bell rings from the speaker on the side of the box, and the game begins.

"Tickets. The little paper things that you get when you win certain points." Donnie leans to the screen and clicks his buttons. "Now play."

End of game one

You: 250
Donnie: 500

I groan and push myself off the game box. Donnie laughs and points at me. "Whatever, man. I didn't even know what game this was."

He grabs my hand again and pulls me into him, leaving no space between us. "Good thing it's your pick this round," I smirk and bring my face closer to his. "Damn right."

We both jump at the sound of our first game spitting out the paper tickets. I look at Donnie and then at the pile of our winnings.

Purple means I love you (Donnie x [demi-girl] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now