I'm fine

328 11 3

Your pov
I heard Usagi's footsteps get faster and closer. I put my hand over the cup to try to avoid spilling it and start running. I swung the door open and ran to my booth.

I jumped over the table and landed between Leo and Donnie. They both looked at me confused. Usagi came sliding on the tiles. He stopped and looked at me, then at the blue-dressed turtle.

I took a sip of my nearly empty drink and watched to see how this would play out. He just groaned and put the cheque on the table. As he walked away I yelled at him. "Love you Yuichi!" He hummed and disappeared behind the counter.

I took a long sip from my iced beverage and looked at Leo. He seemed sad. "Relax, niño bonito. It's a mutual thing." His face lit up as he took the last bite of his sweet.

I picked my bag up off the floor and searched for my phone. "You guys done with your little gay party?" Leo looked like he had just stopped crying as he nodded.

I pulled out my phone from my bag and saw the stone in the test tube. I looked at it. 'I'm okay. I'm better now. It's fine... I'm fine.' I smiled and closed my bag. "Well it's nearly 6 and we're done... I'll pay up."

April held my hand. "Gurl, no. It's your first time up here, and you only got one measly little drink. Let someone else pay." I shook my head. "Think of it as a thank you."

I looked at the two disguised twins. They had their hoods up again. I took the last sip of my drink and stacked up the dishes. I pulled out one of the rolls of cash. 'Just a little tip...' I opened the chequebook and slid in the money.

We all stood up and walked to the door. I looked at the counter at the boy who cleaned it. "Bye, Yuichi." He looked up and waved.

We walked out the door. I looked around again admiring the city. The floods of people grew stronger as we merged. "So. Where to now?" April linked arms with me and smiled. "I dunno... are there any fun places open?"

We both got tugged by Leo pulling April's arm and dragging me along with him. I looked back and saw Donnie staring at his phone. I reached out to him and grabbed his hand. "Wha- WOAH!" I pulled him into a run so he could catch up with us.

Leo looked back still running. "I have just the place." He picked up his pace. April had unlinked her arms with me and held tight onto my hand. We stopped at a road light. Leo seemed un patient and ran into the alley next to us.

He let go of April and looked at the fire escape. He pulled it open and began to climb. "Hey! Wait up!" April let go and chased after him. I groaned and tumbled along.

We arrived on the roof when April tackled Leo to the ground. "God damn it, Leo! Wait a sec." She huffed and flopped on the roof next to him. He sat up and rubbed his head.

I walked to the edge and looked down. We had climbed a fair way up. 'Jump.' My breath shook. I could feel myself shaking. Not of fear. Adrenalin. I stepped onto the small ledge and stared off into the lights of the city.

I felt a light squeeze on my hand. I look back. I was still holding Donnie's hand. "Step back, Y/n." He sounded monotone. Like he meant it. I looked back at the crowds and lights that engulfed the city and took a breath.

I stepped back and bumped into Donnie. I didn't care. I was trying to process my thoughts. The good and the bad. What I should have done and what I shouldn't have.

I was spun around by my shoulders. "Your breathing and heart rate are abnormally high." He was wearing his goggles and scanning me. "You need to eat. Your blood sugar and nutrient levels are low." He lifted the goggles off his head.

I was still staring at the ledge. I felt a sudden tug. I looked back to Donnie and saw him shaking his head. "Wha..." I felt a gust of wind. It was fucking cold. "Don't." I looked at him with a straight face. "Don't what?" He looked behind me. I followed his gaze.

I looked back at him. I squeezed his hand. "Relax... I'm okay. Obviously I wouldn't-" "Y/n, I could hear you." My eyes widened. I looked at the other two who were having a friendly argument. I looked back at him and pulled my hand away.

I hold it close to my chest. The warmth had disappeared and the cold was taking over. 'He was warm... I'm cold.' "It's fine, Donnie. Just impulse thoughts. You know." He tilted his head and stepped forward. "Impulse? Some people act on impulse. If you had listened-" "I'm fine! I just..." I let out a sigh and check my phone. '7. Great timing.'

I look back at him. "Let's go. Where ever your stupid brother wants to go shouldn't be too far." I shoved it back in my pocket and walked to the others. Leo looked at me and smiled. I returned it. "Alright. Vamos gente!" He waved his finger around as he spoke.

He turned and started to run. "Leo, what are you-" April began. Leo leaped off the building, over the traffic below, and onto the complex beside it. He rolled on the gravel that lay on the roof and stood up. He threw his hands put and bowed.

I looked at April. "You're gonna let him win?" She stared at me with a smirk. "No." She cracked her knuckles. "He just got a head start." She stepped back and let out a breath.

She started with a simple walk that escalated into a jog and then into a sprint. She pushed herself off the edge and flipped mid-air. She landed perfectly on the ledge of the other building and span on her heel to face me. "Your turn, toots." I chuckled. "Oh it's on, sweet cheeks"

Word count: 1055

Word count: 1055A/n:

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