Okay, pretty boy

751 24 6

Your pov
"Wow, so now you two are the nerd couple." My blood ran cold. 'Nerd...' an image of me in school appeared in my head. 'Nerd... Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd.' My confidence dropped. I completely ignored the "couple" thing. I looked him dead in the eyes.

I jumped off my hoverboard and walked up to him with my head down. He stepped back as I got closer. My blood soon came back to its normal pace and temperature. I stood half a meter in front of him. I looked him in the eye with the same dead expression as before. "I'll go easy on ya. But pull something like that again..." I moved closer. "I'll make sure you'll never say anything again."

I moved away and grinned. He was full of fear. I looked behind him and saw, what looked like, a training area. I stepped past him and into the room. I propped my board against the wall. I put my hand on my hips and looked around. It looked more like garage with the big ass tank in there.

There were dummies, punching bags and... "Bandanas?" I picked up an orange and purple one that was laying on the floor. "That would be correct." Donnie and Leo followed after me. "Every so often we play a training game called 'Capture the bandana'." He put air quotes next to the name. I threw them in a random direction and stuffed my hands in my pocket.

I walked over to the tank-looking vehicle. "Did... did you make this?" I put a hand on it and looked at Donnie. He crossed his arms and hunched over. "Do you see any other genius in the family? No. So yes I indeed made it." I rolled my eyes and looked back at the tank. I climbed the side and looked through the windshield. 'Holey shit.' There were seats in the front and a large room full of buttons and other tech.

I phased through the glass and landed on the master chair. It had control panels oblong the side of it. What I really wanted to see though was the engine. I looked around and found a button that had an image of a car hood that was up. I hummed and clicked it. The view through the windshield was blocked by the cover of the engine.

I phased through the door and looked into the engine pass. My eyes widened and I flung my hands around. I looked over at the purple-clad turtle. "You have 3 Bugatti Chiron engines?!" He walked up to his creation and pat the door. "Yep! This baby can go-" "This engine can produce 187.5 horsepower per liter, totalling 1,479 HP! And you got them from sports cars?" I ran my hand through my hair. "One goes at 304 miles per hour! Combine three of them and you basically got the flash as a car!"

I looked back at him. He was looking at me like I was actually a ghost. I realized the rant that I had gone on. 'Nerd  your just a Nerd.' I nervously laughed. "But what do I know?" I slammed the bonnet shut and sighed. "No, no. That's amazing that you know that!"

I looked back at him. He was... smiling? But it wasn't a small one. It was like a child getting what they asked for for Christmas. "The fact that you even knew what it was immediately is fascinating! I've tried to explain its greatness to my dumb dumb brothers but they just don't get it."

There was a cough from down below. We both looked down and saw Leo leaning on one of the wheels. "Hate to burst your fun time bubble, buuut we have a match to attend to, Cosas Calientes." I slid down the side and shoved my hands in my pockets again. "Right! Sorry about that."

Donnie slid down and stood next to Leo. They both walked to the centre of the room. Donnie walked off to a cupboard I'm one of the corners. He pulled out a box of chalk and threw one to Leo. Leo started to draw on the floor. Once he was done, he threw the chalk into Donnie's face. I looked at what he had made. A circle.

I looked at him with an unimpressed look. "Wow." His smile dropped. "What? Not good enough for you... princess?" That does it. I let out a sinister laugh. "Okay, pretty boy." I stepped in. He took his ōdachi out from the straps on his shell and put it next to my board. He walked in.

Donnie stood between us and used one of his robotic arms to keep us separated. "Just to be clear, Nardo, I tried to warn you. And I'm not cleaning the mess up." He spoke fast. Leo looked over at him. "Wait... what?!" "Ready, set, go!" Donnie yelled and stepped back. I gave the first punch right into his face. He groaned and stepped back trying not to trip.

Mikey and Raph stepped into the room. "What is goin' on?" Raph semi-shouted. Leo ran towards me and launched his leg to my side. I held out my hand and stopped the attack. His face dripped with sweat and his face showed regret. (['-3-,] this one) I pushed him back into his ass and stood over him. He took big gulps of air. "I thought you said you'd go easy?" He wheezed. I smiled and leant down at him. "This is easy, niño bonito~"

I held out my hand to him. He took it and I pulled him up. He stood with his hands to his face in a fighting manner. I looked him up and down. He had his smirk back. I mirrored his stance. I put a hand out and waved it at him, gesturing for him to come at me. He wiped his face quickly. Mikey was sitting and watching while Raph was biting his nails. Donnie was filming it. 'Probably for later.'

Word count: 1010
A/n: here ya go. I am currently running on 3 hours of sleep, 2 monster energy drinks and a cup of black coffee. Thank you and goodbye.

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