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Your pov
30 minutes had passed. Leo and I made a deal not too long ago that I wasn't allowed to use my hands for combat. I agreed only because he was struggling and I didn't wanna break his confidence or embarrass him in front of his brothers. We had tied my hands behind my back for good measure.

That was 30 minutes ago. The rope was burning my skin. There was sure gonna be some bruising. Leo had placed a few hits but not fatal ones. I think we were both suffering from a mild concussion since he did an ass move and head-butted me. He was looking worse than me though. He wasn't winning. He didn't even get close. "Come on, pretty boy. What happened to your spark?" I teased.

He wiped a scratch on his arm and looked at me. "You said you would go easy." The whole fight he bought that up. I rolled my eyes and kicked his leg so that he was on his knees. "Like I've said over and over again. This is easy."

An alarm went off. It was the timer that raph set. He said that they still had to sleep since they had "patrol". I broke the rope and bought my hands to my chest. I hissed at the pain and looked at them. 'Yep...' I sighed. 'Great.' Leo walked up to me. "What? Is rope your weakness or something?" I gave him a light smile. "No. But I guess we found yours." I pointed to the spot where he had placed his ōdachi. It was missing.

He looked around. When his gaze came back to me I held it up to him. He groaned and snatched it. I held my wrists close. "Well, you have bedtime now, niño bonito. Night night." I waved him off and he, along with raph and Mikey, walked out. 'Where's Donnie?' I looked and saw him on his phone looking at the footage.

I stood next to him and peeked over. He was at the part where we had started the "No hands" fight. "This is remarkable, Y/n. You didn't even use your powers. I mean in this case, making stuff, light, mind stuff and phasing through things wouldn't help but I still stand by my statement."

I looked at him with my "are you serious" face. He shrugged. 'Is that all he thinks I can do?' I stepped back. "Hold on, hold on. So you told me I was full of that mystic shit, right?" I slipped his phone away. "That is correct, yes. However, what does that have to do with this conversation?"

I held out a hand only to retract it from the pain. I hissed a little before I spoke again. "Think, Donnie, Think. I'm full of it. You really think that I'm only gonna be able to do a little light tricks?" His eyes widened. "Oh mi gosh... you can do more can't you?"

Our conversation was interrupted by Raph knocking on the wall. We both turned to face him. "Donnie, Mike's room is too full of his art projects and Leo's room is too small." Donnie scrunched his eyes at the taller turtle. "But Leo has the biggest room. And what about you?" Raph pointed to himself. "Raph admits to being a loud snorer. I don't think our guest would like that." I nodded. It was about time I got a good night's sleep.

Donnie nodded. I could physically see him trying not to fight back. Raph left and the room filled with silence. Donnie sighed and pinched the skin between his eyes. "Well, my lab is too dangerous and the couch is old and on the brink of falling in on itself..." I ran through what he had said. "Wait. Lab?" He looked at me. "Yes. It is where I keep all of my sweet sweet babies." I laughed. "Okay, you totally need to show me that when we wake up." He smiled with pride.

With all of the rooms being cut off from my visit, there was only one left. Donnie seemed unsure about it. "Donnie if you don't want me to stay here I can just go out and find a place to stay. I have the money." He waved his hands in the air. "No, no, no. It's not that it's just..." he held the back of his neck. "One, I don't have two beds nor a spare mattress. Two, I... don't have a specific sleep schedule and spend most of the night working." I blinked at him. No spare bed.

He looked down at my wrists. I was still holding them close to me while I was thinking. "What happened?" He pointed to them. I followed his finger. I held them out. "Oh, just rope burn. They'll be better in the morning. It's fine." He gave me a face of confusion. "That should be better by morning. It should be better in a few days if we treat it right." 'Oh, right.'

I gave one of my legs some slack and leaned on the other one. "My body heals faster than the average body." I didn't know what better way to explain it other than that. He just stood there. I held my left wrist with my hand and helped it wave in his face. "Hello? Earth to space ranger?" He snapped out and looked at me. "Not bad." He said.

I pulled my hand back. "What do you mean?" He pointed to himself. "I don't want to get overly excited as I'll wake up the others so I needed a minute to suppress it." 'Suppress it?' "Anyway, I still think we should bandage them up. Just in case." He walked off and gestured for me to follow him.

We made it into the lab and I gazed around in awe. He tapped a seat with a robotic hand as he went to retrieve the first aid kit. I saw blueprints and sketches of new designs. I sat down and put one on my lap. It was a design of a new shell. A glowing surface, "spider arms", a hover system and storage were a few of the many things that were scribbled on the paper. Donnie walked back in. "Hey, have you ever thought of using uranium?"

Word count: 1055
A/n: another one for you guys. I'm getting tired now so imma go chill. Thank you and goodbye.

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