New home

234 10 4

Your pov
Once again, I was scared shitless. My heart was racing, and my head was blank. 'Did he... am I...' "Y/n!" I look up. 'That's right... we are leaving now.'

My bag was over my shoulder. Donnie and I were walking to the door. Raph, Mikey, and Leo stood before us. "Uhhh. Yeah?" I sounded unsure. I was unsure.

Raph came up to me. "You leaving now?" I nod slowly. "Gotta move in..." I tried to crack a laugh. "Oh... okay." He held out his hand. 'Three fingers.'

I knew they had three fingers. It was hard to miss. I joined mine with his and shook it up and down. A handshake. "Thanks for letting me... well, nearly die here twice."

Everyone just stared at me. "Uh. No problemo?" Leo called. He stepped forward with his arms crossed. "Hey. Make sure you talk to the bone man and Usagi. They're worried."

I rose a brow. Raph nodded and then doubled back to Leo. "Wha? How do you know?" Leo started to sweat. "Uhuu... don't think about it."

Mikey pushed both of them out of the way. I didn't want him to touch me. I didn't want to hurt him. He came in for a hug. I stepped back a little as his arms wrapped around me.

A shudder travelled up my spine, and my fist clenched till my knuckles turned white. I closed my eyes and held my breath. He let me go and put his hands on my shoulders. "You'll come back, right?"

I gulped down my instincts and nodded. "Of course, Miguel." I managed to form a small smile. He gave me a bigger one and stepped back.

I held my bag strap. Tight. I waved goodbye and continued walking. Donnie followed after me. We jumped down the large pipe that made the entrance.

I was cold. I'm always cold. I was cold in lava season down in the hidden city. I'm cold up here.

Our footsteps echoed. The grey water rippled. I could hear my breathing. "So... how far is April's house?" I started.

Donnie looked at me. I looked at him. "Uh. Approximately 15 minutes by roof travel." I nodded and looked at the ladder that came into view.

I stopped in front of it. Now that I take a closer look, the ladder was filthy. I shrugged it off. I lived in an alley for god's sake. I climbed up.

My hand touched the cover and pushed it up. It tipped over and fell to the ground above. I climbed out and waited for the turtle. He stood to the side and pushed the cover back on.

He wandered to the fire escape and pulled it down. He began the climb. I looked up. It was too far to climb. I was tired.

I lightly jumped and levitated myself off the ground. 'Thank the gods.' I sigh and flew up. I stopped on the level that Donnie was on.

He looked at me up and down then leaned over the edge and looked down. "So... the wings were just for show?" He rose a brow. I shrugged. "A bit of both."

I bit the inside of my cheeks. The metallic taste flooded my mouth. "Hey, Donnie?" He had already continued scaling the fire escape.

He hummed and looked over, stopping on a step and leaning on the bar in front of him. "What do you know about... mystic warriors."

He didn't seem phased. "Personally, Y/n, I prefer science over mysticness." He waved his hand around. "Science is based on facts that can be proven. Mystic powerssssssss not so much."

He resumes his movement. I sigh. "That wasn't the answer I was looking for." I could feel him rolling his eyes and cursing under his breath.

He stopped and leaned on a window. I glide into the metal frame and lower myself. I lean on the stair. "Mystic warriors are extinct. Nada. No comprendo."

I raise a brow. "What about descendants?" He looked at me. "If there were descendants of such people, then there would be documentation of their existence. Files. A biography."

The list went on. He stopped. "Why do you ask?" I shrug. I find that I shrug a lot. And sigh. And groan. And nod. I'm not good at responding. I'm not good with touch. I'm not good with people or yokai. I'm not good at anything.

He slowly nods. "Are you... okay?" I look up. My vision was hazed. I look up and hold back the leak in my eyes. "Yeah. I'm good." I sigh and look back at him. "Are you ready?"

What? I look behind him. There was a light that lit the room. On the other side of the said room, there was a desk. A desk with a girl and a girl on her phone. 'April.'

I look back at the mutant and nod. Another nod. He nods back and turns around. He knocked three times gaining April's attention.

She stands up quickly and runs to the window. There was a click of the lock and the sliding of the panel opening. A smile was sent my way. Weak. Nervous. Sad.

Donnie helps me through first then steps through himself. "Are you sure you want to do this, Y/n?" April spoke as she guided me through door after door. "I'm sure."

Donnie was following behind me. April stops at one last door. "My mom's name is-" "Carol. I know." My voice was slow and monotone.

My eyes travelled to the figure behind me. "You bought the stuff, right?" He nodded. He nods a lot too. And sighs. And groans. And shrugs. But he's good at tech. He's smart.

His hand moved under his purple hood. When his hand returns it holds a vile. "Midazolam. It won't put you to sleep, but you won't feel anything nor remember the procedure."

I take it gently and tried to read the label. Anger rose. 'I can't fucking read. I can't write.' I held it in my hand tight. "Thanks."

I turn back to April. "Y/n?" I look back again. "I'm right here. You are safe here." April hummed as I nod and look back. "This is your home now anyway."

The door opens. "We'll be right out here." I didn't nod. I was done with nodding today. I just walked in thinking about what April said. 'My new home'

Word count: 1073
A/n:Sorry this one is late. I don't know if I'll get to the second one but I'll see. Thank you for your understanding yesterday. Y'all are too kind to me and this story. Thank you and goodbye.


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