Day 4

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Donnies pov

'12:00 am.' We had been talking all day about the event. Well, mostly. Draxum wouldn't say anything about Meridian. Who she was, how he knew her, and why she was communicating through Y/n.

It was 12:00 am. That meant it was day 4. Day 4 of missing Y/n. Day 4 of questions that we haven't answered. Day 4 since...

I clenched my fists. "That is it!" Everyone looked at me. "I have had enough of this and all of your dumb dumbness!" I pointed to Draxum. "You!"

I walked up to him and pointed my finger in his face. "If you can't tell us shit!" I motioned to the exit. "Then leave!" I was at my point. That was it.

Mikey grabbed my shoulder. "Donnie..." I looked at him. My breathing was heavy. I was wide eye. "It's day 4, Mikey!" I stepped away from him. "I just- I just can't."

Everything was loud. I was shaking. "God, no. Please not now.' I looked at my hands. Shaking. The gear strapped to my plastron and shell. Shaking.

I looked up. Leo and Raph were standing in my vision. "Don?" Leo's voice echoed through my head. "Day 4... it's day 4."

I put my hands over the cuffs on my goggles. My mouth ran over those two words. 'Day 4. Day 4. Day 4...'

Leo's pov
Fucking overstimulation, man. "Mikey, April. Help out Don. Raph, bring dad to Y/n and monitor any signs. And you." I looked at Draxum. "Leave."

He stood up and sized up to me. "Why should I leave my work in your hands." I stepped closer. "What work? Y/n? She's not yours." He took another step. "I assisted. They wouldn't be who she is today."

I smirk rose on my face. "And yet here we are." I eyed the entrance and then back at him. "Now get." I gripped my ōdachi. "Don't make me force you."

He huffed and held his face. The same side that he received that backhand. "She's dangerous." I shook my head.

I agreed with Donnie. I was tired of this bullshit. "Get. Out." He groaned and turned. His steps faded as he got closer to leaving. "Just so you know, Leonardo. I did what I did because I lost you."

And with that. He was gone. 'Thank fuck.' Now that I looked around. Everyone was gone. The med bay door was open and Donnies lights were on.

I walked to the medical room first. Not wanting to overwhelm my twin more. The door creaked at my entry.

Raph was leaning on the wall beside the door watching dad care for Y/n. I sigh. "Anything yet?" He looks down at me and shakes his head.

I nod and walk further into the room. Dad looks up at me from his stool. "She is stable. Everything seems to be fine." He lets out a gasp of air and shakes his head.

I felt useless. I couldn't help Y/n. I didn't want to hurt Donnie. I couldn't leave my family now. 'Could Usagi come over?'

I turn and walk out. Completely disregarding the thought. I look at the room across from the one I was just in. The purple light illuminated the door.

The sound of my feet falling seemed to echo at the emptiness of the lair. 'Jodidamente inútil...'

Donnies pov
April and Mike lead me to my room. My hands were still over my goggles as we leave and enter. There was murmuring around me.

April sat me down on my bed as I watched my little brother search my desk. Carefully moving things around and opening drawers.

April sat in front of me. I tore my vision away from my brother and to the floor. I looked at April's shoes. Scuffed. Yellow.

She always wore the same dirty yellow shoes that I got her for her birthday 3 years ago. It's a miracle that she still fits them.

Her hand comes into my view. I look up at her but not at her eyes. The edges of her glasses. 'Close enough.' Mikey is standing next to her.

She holds up a pair of earmuffs. I quickly snatched them and put them on in replacement of my goggles. Noise was out of the way. Now it was touch.

I hated the feeling of my gloves and joint protectors. So I tore them off. The feeling of my utility belt. Off. The knee pads and the low-cut stockings. Off.

I was out of breath. But it wasn't over. The sheets on my bed. I stood up. My battle shell. Disengaged. My mask. Practically into shreds.

I held the muffs tighter to my face and close my eyes. I squeezed them shut, hard. I could feel the breeze in my room drift over my skin. 'Stop.'

I was running through ways to break this episode without any more triggers. 'Water.' "Water." I couldn't hear myself say it but I knew I did.

I felt the sudden vibrations on the floor as somebody moved around. I could hear my heart beating through the silence. It was fast. Even. But fast.

There was a light tap on my arm. I flinched and stepped back. My eyes shot open to see Mikey with a bottle of water. I eyed the lid. I hated the feeling of the little gaps.

Mikey looked down at it and nodded with realisation. He took off the cap and held it out for me to grab. I did so and began chugging.

I paced back and forth with the empty bottle in my hands. Tapping on it, scratching it. Anything to keep my thoughts straight.

I don't know how long it's been. But I need to get back to Y/n. I stopped my movement and took a greedy breath.

I look at the two. I could look at them. A sigh escaped me. 'Sweet, sweet relief.' I walk over and place the bottle in the trash can next to my bed.

No words were exchanged as I re-equipped myself. I walk to my desk and open a drawer. I head into the small bathroom with a purple cloth in my hand.

I tie it on and pick up the marker. I was a master at brow art. Two simple flicks and I was done. I cap the marker and walk out.

I grabbed my goggles as I passed April and Mikey. The door slams open as I go to open it myself. It was Raph. He looks down at me. "D-Donnie?"

He knelt at my level making me feel pathetic. "You good now-" "Yes, Rpah. I am fine. A simple overload in my system is all." He nods still out of breath. "Dad needs you."

Everything was moving so fast. Y/n. Draxum. Meridian. But I knew what to do. In fact. I was more collected than ever. "Take these two to the kitchen. Get Leo too. I'll come out if I need something."

I squeezed past him and speed-walked over to the medical room. "Donnie!" I look over to the couch. Leo. "You kay?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, Leo."

The door opens and I'm pulled in. Dad is sweating. "Dad? Why do you need me? Is there something the matter? Is Y/n awake?"

He shakes his head multiple times. "But she will be. I need your help with keeping the vitals straight until they do."

Y/ns back.

Word count: 1254
A/n: Hello again. This one is very rushed so I won't be surprised if it doesn't make sense. Again I don't know if I'll be able to post another chapter tomorrow. This one is the replacement for the missing one yesterday as well as the chapter for today (reason for the early post). Thank you for all of the support and understanding and goodbye.

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