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Donnie's pov
"You were alone?" I earn a small nod. They turned the computer back to themselves. I noticed that their spelling was off, but I managed to read it fine. She spun it around.

Sorry for the spelling and stuff.

I looked back at them. "It's fine." She turned it back and started to type something else. I wondered how long they've known Hueso. The computer spun around again.

Do you know any sign language?

Sign language. I knew a bit. I balled my hand into a fist and made it nod up and down. 'Yes.' I pinched my fingers but not so they were touching. 'A little.' They put the computer on the desk. She closed it and looked back at me.

They made a hand move from her mouth to out in front of her. 'Thank you.' She continued and pointed to her wrist. 'For helping me.' I curled my hand from my chest to my stomach. 'You're welcome.' She smiled. They pointed to me and then gestured to their head. 'You know you can speak, right?' I nodded. "I feel more respectful if I join you though." Their hands waved around. 'No, no, no. It's fine. I'm fine.'

I looked them in the eye. She sighed and held their wrists closer. Their eyes looked like they were pools that were about to overfill. "Y/n..." She sniffed and looked at me. I pointed to her. My hands balled up and I put them to my chest. I curled them out. I shook one of my fists back and forth. My hand spread out and moved from my chest to hers.

Your pov
'You are not fine.' I squeezed my injuries to feel some pain. To distract me from the flood in my eyes. "You've been down there for a while, hey?" I looked away and nodded. "How long do these shutdowns last?" I held up my hand. I showed him three fingers and flashed them at him. "Six hours?" I shook my head.

I unlocked my other hand and put it under my elbow. The hand above slowly moved down until it joined the other. "Days?" I curled up again and nodded. He stayed silent. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. '4:30 am' I turned it off and sagged my head into my arms. 'I'm fine... I'm fine.'

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at the soft shell. "When I shut down, it would make my brothers nervous. My father would get mad. He wanted answers but I couldn't speak." 'He has it too...' that's how he always knew. He's been through these experiences. "Mine don't last as long as yours though." His hand slid off my shoulder and he sighed.

We sat there. The purple lights were familiar. 'This is the room that we were in before. We were in his lab.' I looked at my hands. I looked at his. I wasn't a touchy-feely kind of person but wanted to show him.

I took his hands in mine and created a bowl shape with them. His hands are on top of mine. "What are you doing?" He didn't seem too thrilled at touch either. I closed my eyes. Hopefully, he did the same. I joined our energy for a split second and a large light formed in our hands. I opened my eyes. He was staring at the light. I couldn't tell him. I didn't have the strength. So I'll show him.

The orb became dark with little white specks. Stars. A little girl showed up on it. Donnie gasped. "It's..."
"Y/n L/n." Behind me stood a tall figure. "Perfect." There was a scream. The whole orb faded to black. I closed my eyes and tilted my head away. "Y/n... you don't have to." Donnie sounded concerned.

There was a pair of laughing sounds. I reluctantly looked back. The girl was laying on the floor unconscious. Her eyes shot open and she sat up. She was in a cage made of vines. Small creatures were hanging on them.

The girl... I stood up. I wasn't scared. Nothing really scared me as a child. I had already seen it all. The tall figure walked into view. A sheep-like yokai. "Hello, child." The two who hung off the vines moved to his shoulders. "Tell me, why was she so perfect?"

Donnie was focused on the orb. I looked at my wrists as it continues to play. "Y/n L/n, six years of age." Huginn. "No parents, a quick learner according to her files." Munnin. I despised the two.

The vines parted and sheep yokai stepped in. I looked in at him, keeping my ground. He knelt down to me and smiled. "I'm Baron Draxum. Warrior alchemist." I looked past him and into the large room. It looked like it was under construction. His claw-like hands grabbed my face and dragged my attention to him. "You will be my next greatest invention." The screen ran black again.

I felt Donnie's eyes on me. I could look at him. I was scared I might break. I needed to show him more. 'He needs to know. Someone does." I don't know why I trusted him. We haven't even known each other for a week and I'm sharing my past with him. The screen changed again and caught his attention.

I was seven now and tied to a table. I was wriggling in the restraints trying to break free. Draxum entered the room. He had a mask of some sort and scissors in the other. I shook more. He held me still with one of his hands and held the scissors above my head with the other. "This won't hurt, little one." The scissors closed and my head felt lighter. He continued. There was no blood.

He held a mirror to my face. I had no hair anymore. I screamed and shook on the table. He tried to shut me up with shushing noises but I screamed louder. He groaned and put the mask on my mouth. I stopped screaming. I couldn't breathe. Not well at least.

He put sticky circles that were attached to wires on my head, neck and chest. He walked away and disappeared into the shadows. "You two, make sure it stays alive."

Word count: 1061
A/n: I think I might just make names for the chapters instead of putting a related word. It's just a thought. Hope you enjoyed it! Thank you and goodbye.

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