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April's pov
How? How does she do it? They've walked barefoot in hell. But she keeps a smile, laughs and jokes. I could never look at Draxum the same way. None of us could. Well, besides Splints.

The fact that they have the guts to face him again... I don't know whether to be happy or scared. But what happens with Draxum was only the tip of the iceberg. There was more. I know it.

I didn't want to see her sad. There were tear forming in their e/c (eye colour) eyes. I used the hand that they let go of and held onto the one I still had hold of. "Let's lighten the mood..." I gave a small smile.

Their face became clear in less than five seconds. Like nothing happened. 'That. How does she do that?' A smile slithered onto their face. "How?"

I stood up and put my hands on my hips. "Well, toots. You have a pile of clothes calling your name. Why don't we haul them up and try some on?" A wider smile.

She moved the sheets off their legs and pushed them to the edge of the bed. They stopped and looked down at the floor. "Ya good?" She looked up at me and nodded. "I just fell when I tried to stand last time."

I snickered and held put a hand. "Cmere'." They rolled their eyes and took my hand. I gently pulled her up and put their arm around my shoulders.

I went to wrap my hand around their waist but she pulled away. "N-no." Her hand slid off my shoulder and they held them out to balance. She tipped a bit. I held my hands out to catch them. "Y/n you can barely walk. Let me help you." I spoke softly.

Their eyes met mine. She looked like she was going to cry again. 'No.' "Hey... it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna help." I recall past events where they didn't want to get touched by others. It was normally during or after a traumatic event.

I read her eyes again. They changed. Like she was sorting through images in their brain. 'Is she thinking about...'

An audible gulp came from them. Sweat beads rolled off of their face. Her breathing was faster. 'They think I'm gonna hurt them...'

I stepped closer slowly and took her hand. "Look." I stepped beside them, making our arms link. I held onto their hand with my free one. I squeezed theirs lightly to try to gain her attention.  "Is it okay like this?"

She was staring into space then shook their head and looked at me. Then to our arms. Then back to me. "I- uhm... Yeah. I think." She spoke fast.

I look at the ground where our feet are. I take a small step forward. She follows clinging closer to me. I take a larger step. They follow.

I slowly make my way into a walk. I walked around the room and back to the bed. "Okay. You good now?"

Your pov
April suggested that I tried on some of the clothes she bought me. 'Note to self: pay April back.' I moved the sheets and kicked my legs over the edge of the bed.

I could move them. I could feel them. They hurt. Why do they hurt? 'Him. The chair. The dog. Fighting. Waking up here.' None of it made sense. "Ya good?" April called. I look up at her and nodded. "I just fell when I tried to stand last time."

She let out a small laugh. Her hand landed in front of me. "Cmere'." I looked at it and then at her smirk. I smile and roll my eyes as I take it.

She pulls me up and tossed my arm around her shoulders. I felt her hand slither along my back, making its way to my waist. 'Big Mama wants ya. But I wanna have some fun first...'

The taste of smoke and alcohol filled my mouth like he was there. Where his hands went stung and itched. His hand traced my bare skin. "N-no."

I pulled away and balance myself in an instant. I stumble and catch myself. April steps closer to try to catch me. 'Not again. Please, not again.' "Y/n, you can barely walk. Let me help you." She spoke nearly in a whisper.

I stare into her eyes. Mine threatening to leak. I knew she would never hurt me. But why can't I pull myself together? "Hey... it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna help."

We stood in silence. I felt too exposed. My tech was on the bed. I could make a weapon at any second. 'Keep it up and ya won't make it out.' I knew what he looks like. I remember now. 'Could I report him? I know what he looks like. Would he have an identity up here?'

A hand took mine. I flinched but didn't break my gaze. "Look." She stepped out over my view. Her presence shifted beside me and her arm linked with mine. There was a squeeze on my hand. "Is it okay like this?"

I blinked. I couldn't see her. I shook my head to gain my self-consciousness and looked at her. My throat was dry. I looked at our arms. 'It's fine.' I look back at her. "I- uhm... Yeah. I think."

She takes a step forward. I nearly trip trying to follow. My legs hurt. 'Why do they hurt?' She talked a full step forward and I follow again. Her pace slowly turns into a walk and she guides me around the room.

I take in the atmosphere trying to get my mind off things. I thought about Donnie. About the call. About how he told them. His tech. His info dumps. His smile. His shell. The way his face changes colour. His voice.

We came to a stop. She looks up at me. 'She's shorter?' "Okay. You good now?" I look down at my legs. I let out a breath that I've been holding. "I- yeah. I'm okay." She didn't believe me.

She steps away from me and watched me keep my balance. I lower my hands and stand normally. She circles around me with a hand on her chin.

When she makes it back in front of me she hums. "Let's get started then. I dumped the clothes in Donnie's room and your other stuff is at my place."

I raise a brow. "Why is my stuff always in Donnie's room?" Her face changed from a confident smile to "I've said too much". I shake my head and wave my hand around. "Whatever. Let's just go."

Word count: 1129
A/n: I promise there is more building up between Donnie and you. I know much hasn't happened between you two but I swear I have shit planned. Thank you and goodbye.

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