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Your pov
I looked in the direction that he had before. I saw, what looked like, a ramp. I looked at my invention, then back to Mikey. I put my invention away and stood up. "I would go crazy if I didn't." His smile became bigger and he jumped up and down. 'He's only 13...' He grabbed the sleeve of my coat and pulled me towards the room.

I pulled back. "Wait a sec." He let go and I ran to the entrance of the base. I had kept my board there since I thought it was rude to carry it around a place that isn't mine... not that I have a place. I ran to my bag and took out a better long sleeve piece of clothing to wear. I quickly changed into a flannel jacket and ran back to him.

(Outfit inspo)

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(Outfit inspo)

He looked at my board with a funny face. I looked down at it. "What?" He scratched his head. "It has no wheels." I smiled. "Just wait. You'll see why." I walked past him and into the large room. When I say large I mean you could probably fit 15 Raph-sized bricks in here. The ramp stretched from one side to the other and the corners of the room had water in them.

I stood in the centre of the ramp and looked around. "This place just gets better and better." I said to myself. I realised that I had lost Mikey. I turned and looked around. "Mikey? Hello?" I put my free hand on my hip and looked to the top of the ramp.

Mikey stood there with his skateboard in hand. He put it down and put one foot on it. His face looked competitive. I smirked. I think he wanted to try and scare me by riding full speed down the steep ramp but I stood my ground. He dropped off. I stood face-on. His face changed to fear. He got closer and closer.

Mikeys pov
They would not move. She just stared at me and smiled. I was about a metre from hitting her and I put my hands up to cover myself for impact. I didn't stop. I didn't hit anything. There was no screaming but my own. I moved my hands and stumbled to the top of the ramp.

I looked over the edge to see if Y/n was still alive. They stood in the same spot. She didn't even move an inch! I slid down the ramp on my feet and ran to her. She started to laugh. I stopped and looked at her. "What just happened?" They took a deep breath and held up her hand. "Give me a high five." 'Is she serious?' "I could have killed you, and you want a high five?"

She looked at my hand. "High 3?" I smiled in defeat and put my hand to theirs. My hand went straight through. I stood there for a bit. 'Loading...' fear struck me through the heart. "OH MI GOSH! Y/N'S A GHOST!" I jumped back.

Raph and Leo came running in. Raph was sweating and Leo had his phone out. Donnie walked in with his goggles on. He flipped them up and rose one of his drawn-on on brows. "A what now, Micheal?" I pointed to Y/ns hand. "M-my hand went through." Leo put down the phone and looked at me. After the incident with Baxter Stockboy, he never believed me when I talked about supernatural things.

He and Donnie walked up to the laughing girl and looked at them. "Well, she's not see-through." Donnie concluded. I furrowed my brow muscles. "And they use doors." Leo pointed out.

Your pov
I didn't expect Mikey to react that badly. When the others walked in I just had to try on them. I collected myself and looked at the twins that stood before me. I held out both of my hands as I did with Mikey. They shared a look of confusion then looked back at me. "Try to touch their hand. I dare you!" Mikey stood behind Raph.

They both shrugged and held out their hand. They went through mine. Leo shot back like Mikey did but Donnie flicked his goggles back on and pointed at me. "Aha! I knew it! You do have mystic energy!" I crossed my arms. "Or I'm a ghost."

Donnie was tapping away on a screen and scoffing. "Why be part of the supernatural when you can have powers?" He coughed. "Not that mystic stuff is better than sweet, sweet tech." I nodded as I agreed with him.

Leo walked back up to me and held out his hand. I held mine up again. He tried again but the same thing happened. He moved side-on and kept moving his hand back and forth. "Woahhhh." Donnie pushed him aside and took his place. He stuck some kind of rod through my hand. "Fascinating..."

I pulled my hand away. I didn't want to get tested. I rubbed my hand and looked away. "I didn't want to tell you." Donnie flipped his goggles back up and looked at me. "Why?" Raph asked. I blinked as I thought about what to say. 'I can't tell them.' "I just have... bad experience with telling people. They always want something."

Mikey looked at me with concern. Like he understood. "Can you do anything else?" Donnie asked. Mikey hit him and stared him down. "She doesn't have to show us anything if they don't want to, Don." He looked back at me.

I looked at my hands. I was surprised that Mikey didn't figure it out yet. He literally watched me make something with my hands instead of tools. I clasped them together. 'I can't hide it forever.  Plus,  it might be fun. I'm sure they've seen something more interesting than what I have to show anyway.' I nodded slowly "Okay... what do we want to try first?"

Word count: 1000 on the fucking dot (not including this)
A/n: I'm proud of myself for finishing this chapter on 1000 words. It makes me feel happy. Btw, I know there isn't much happening between you and Donnie, but trust the process. Thank you and goodbye.

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