Rules are rules.

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Your pov
As we walked back into the kitchen, all eyes were on us. We sat down in our original spots in silence. "Soooooo, we just gonna ignore it or..." Mikey trailed off as he placed the last waffle on the plate. 'Someone needs to do it.' I signed and shrugged. Leo knocked me. 'What?' He rolled his eyes. "Nice cover-up." I rolled mine and smiled.

Everyone else got seated, and we each got a plate of food. I had (number) pancakes and (number) waffles. We ate in silence other than the occasional compliments to Mikey. As I finished my last piece, I walked to the sink. I washed it up and put it to dry. As I turned around, I had everyone's attention again. "Youuuu cleaned your dishes." Leo remarked. I nodded slowly to show my confusion.

They all looked at each other and then at Raph. 'Am I missing something?' April sighed. "They each have an assigned chore in the lair. Mikey cooks the meals, Leo vacuum's the whole lair, Donnie mops and Raph washed the dishes. I look at the eldest turtle in red. 'I'm... sorry?' I was still confused why it was weird that I washed my plate. Leo had a smirk plastered to his face. 'Spill it.' Damn, I need to make names for them.

He stood up and walked next to me with his plate. "There are rules." I scoff. 'Are chores like a game to you?' He shrugged. "More or less." He shoved his plate and cutlery at me. "Anyone who intervenes in someone else's job... they do it instead." Everyone made long "oohs" and "ahhhs. " I eyed my arms and the sink. 'Well? I'm not touching it if you have. It needs to be somewhat clean.' We received the same reactions from everyone.

He smiled and grabbed a cloth from the sink. He wiped the edges, then pushed it to me. "Here." I put my hands up. 'Sorry. You intervened.' He looked at me confused. I pointed to the cloth and the plate. 'You technically washed it, smart ass.' I turned and walked back to my spot. Everyone was laughing at Leo. "Wow, Leo. Looks like you got served like a boss!" Raph said as he slid his plate across the counter to him. Mikey was just laughing as he slid his over, too. Donnie was yet again filming while saying, "Burn Leo, Burn." April looked at me. "Damn, gurl." She slid hers over and held her head in her hands.

Leo glared at me. 'Sorry. But rules are rules.' I mimicked the smirk that he wore and shooed him off to work. I heard a notification go off in my pocket. I quickly pulled out my phone. I never get notifications. I read the tag on the lock screen and saw that it was Hueso.

Bone man💀: Hola, pequeño.
Y/n: Well, hello, bone man. Didn't expect you to miss me so much.

Bone man💀: Yes, well, I just wanted to know if you are safe with the turtles, is all.

Y/n: You surreeeeeee?

Bone man💀: Y/n I need you to work tomorrow night.

Work... tomorrow night. I couldn't. But I couldn't say no to him. I stepped out of the loud room to think properly. I looked back at my phone. I felt my brows stitch together. My original working days were on the weekend and the following Tuesday. Plus I had plans with April and her friend tomorrow. I typed an answer on my phone.

Y/n: Listen, Hueso... I'm going through something atm. It stops my ability to speak kinda...

I didn't send it. I watched the bar blink. I sighed and hit backspace.

Y/n: I'm a little busy tomorrow, but I'm sure I could work later in the day.

Bone man💀: perfecta! I'll see you at 7:30 sharp then

I leaned on the wall and hit my head on it, and looked down at the screen. I held one of the corners to my head and tapped it. 'Why did I do that?'

Donnie's pov

I found myself flabbergasted by what I saw as Raph, and I walked into the kitchen. Leo took hold of Y/N's chin. "I don't know, cosas Calientes. Why don't you tell me?" Something in me felt wrong. Like strings being pulled in my body. I felt my eye twitch. 'I wanna hear you confess that I'm better.'

With that, Y/n took Leos in their own and twisted it. "Ow, ow, ow! Okay, you win!" 'That's a first.' I thought. Leo never really gave up or admitted defeat. Neither do I. Y/n let go and looked back at us.

I hadn't realised that my jaw was semi-open. 'What?' April swung them around and started to feel her face. "Did you just flirt back with Leo?" Mikey interrupted. She turned back to Leo as they shared the same confused expression.

They gently pulled April's hands off her face and started to sign. 'Can you not tell? He's literally-' she didn't get to finish. Leo pulled their hand away from her face. I could see the sweat dripping off of his own. "Uhu... un memento."

He pulled them out of their seat and past Raph and I. We watched as they both ran to the arcade room. I looked at April and Mikey. "Uhhh. What'd we miss?" Raph questioned. I walked over to the table and took my seat. 'Are they in a relationship? Already? No. That can't be right.'

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over at April. Her eyebrows lifted and dropped repeatedly. I gave her a confused look. Then it hit me. "No, no. No, no, no! April I swear on newton's law that if you even pull what I think you are going to pull I will-" "You, my kind sir, are j to the ealous~"

I dragged a hand down my face and sighed. "No, I am not "jealous". I was simply pulling together what our companion would have said if they weren't interrupted." I crossed my arms siding with myself. She hummed and leaned on her hands. Mikey joined. "Whatever you say, lover boy"

Word count: 1040
A/n: Now we're getting somewhere! Have fun with the next chapters. Thank you and goodbye.

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