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(Just to let you know, this chapter is a lot longer than others. Have fun.)

Your pov

7:30 am
*flick bang* I lift my goggles franticly and look at my door. April is standing at my door with her bag over her shoulder and a mug of tea in her hand.

"Uhm... can I help you?" I ask will placing my solder iron down and watching her closely.

She holds out a finger and takes a long sip of the flavoured liquid in her grey mug. She smalls her lips and stared at me before speaking. "We are not taking a portal today, no, no. We are walking. So if we wanna get to school on time, we gotta scatter."

Oh, that's right. I haven't told her yet. "Yeah, about that..." I rub the back of my neck and look at the ground. "I'm not going today. Donnie and I decided that it would be better if I stayed home today. To recollect, ya know?"

She holds her mug with both hands and takes another sip. "Okay, yeah I get it." I nod and let her continue. "Well... mom is heading off to work at nine so... just don't break anything or whatever."

I raise a brow and cross my arms. "You think I'm that irresponsible?" She widens her eyes and tilts her head down so she's looking at me over her glasses. "Oh, sweet cheeks. I know you're irresponsible."

She grabs the door handle and closes the door behind her. I shrug at her truth and get back to work.

Donnies pov

7:30 am
*knock knock* I sigh and spin on my chair. "Who is it?" I call out and listen to the footsteps coming into my lab. "Just your favourite brother."

I roll my eyes and turn back to work. "Go away, Leo." I groan. I hear a plump on my bed and sigh. "What do you want?" I push on.

Leo hummed and patted the bed with his hands. "Oh, nothing, nothing at all. Just wonderin' when you're gonna go out today."

I slump in my chair and pull my goggles down. "At 10. Y/n and-" "GOTCHA YA SLIMY FUCK OF A TWIN!" My eyes widen and I stand up.

I turn and point at him. My face grows hot with rage and embarrassment. "Shut. Your. Mouth. Nardo." My shoulders are lifted and my teeth are glued together.

He puts his hands up and leans forward. "Hey, I was just wondering-" "How the hell do you know?" He lets his arms fall in his lap.

"Raph got worried about you and told me to go find you," I mutter curses under my breath and come to a realisation. "What time, exactly?"

He shrugs. "I dunno. 8 maybe 9." My eye twitches and my brows are furrowed. Leo just wears his dumb smirk and raises his brows up and down.

I sigh and pinch the fabric between my eyes. "How much did you see?" I earn another shrug. "I left after you guys walked through Y/ns' portal."

He. Saw. Everything. That little shit would have been spying on us in the gym. The flirting, the hand-holding, the confession, and the snow moment. Everything.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." Leo stands up and crosses his arms. He leans on one leg and tilts his head. "What?" I look at him through my hands. "You aren't supposed to know."

Purple means I love you (Donnie x [demi-girl] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now