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Your pov
The door closed and I took a breath. The room was somewhat warm and was filled with a dim light.

I turn slowly and grip my bag tightly. I see a woman standing on her phone. She seemed to be reading something. I clear my throat lightly to get her attention.

She looked up and scanned the room. Her gaze landed on me and a weak smile was sent as a greeting. "Uhm. Hi." I was nervous. Nervous, scared, and anxious.

I picked at the skin around my nails aggressively. "You must be Y/n." I nod. She doesn't move. She just pulls out two chairs. One in front of the other. "Come. I need to ask a few questions."

I walk over slowly and take in an image of the room. 'No windows, one door, table with sheets and a pillow, chairs, smaller table with things on it.' Simple. But it helped.

I drop my bag against the chair and sit down. She follows my motion and pulls out a piece of paper on a board. "My name is Carol O'Neil. I'm your nurse for this procedure."

Her introduction was quick. "I'm... Y/n. Y/n L/n." She nods and writes something down. "Is this the first time having a medical procedure?" Another nod. More pen on paper.

I look at my hands and fiddled with my thumbs. "And you know what you are here for -" "Yes." I didn't want to talk about it. Did I have to? Am I going to?

I hear the pen click and some shuffling. "Y/n. Do you mind answering a few... personal questions?" I look up at her again. "I-I." I choke on my words.

Carol purses her lips and nods. "It's hard. I understand. But I need to know some background information." Her voice was soft and quiet.

I take a deep breath. "Me, your daughter, and the Hamato twins went to the mall to get some things and I got taken away," I spoke fast.

My eyes closed as I tried to remember. "He took me into a bathroom." I pause. My head was racing. Pulling reality from the truth. I nod to myself. "He-he touched me and I didn't do anything. I-I mean I couldn't-"

I ran a hand through my hair. "He-I..." I began to laugh. "I can't remember anything after that." I sniffed and continued to laugh out air. "It's stupid. I mean, the fact that I can't remember. That I froze up."

I drag a hand down my face. "He knocked me out. It all went black." I leaned into my hands. My lungs run at 100 miles per hour.

Carol hummed. I look up at her and realised my eyes are leaking. "I see... dealing with these things is hard. The mental trauma. Physical and emotional."

She stood up. "But from that can come bravery. A form of strength and a grip on the truth. That's why you're here." She holds out a hand. "To find more about the truth."

I look at her, then at her hand. I lift mine off my face and let it fall into hers. She pulls me up. "Sit there." Her eyes land on the sheet-covered table.

I pull her with me, too scared to let go. I sit down. "Have you taken all of your wound covers off?" I nod slowly. She nods back. "Would you like to know of the procedure?" I shake my head.

She gently pulls her hand away and looks to the smaller table. "I'm guessing you have some anaesthesia from the smart turtle." I flinched and start searching through my pockets.

I pulled out the small bottle and handed it to her. She takes it and reads the label. "This won't put you to sleep." She looks back at me. I nod.

She takes another small bottle in her hand. "Would you rather be?"

April's pov
I close the door. I turn and grab Donnie's arm. I speed walk and pull him with me. I slam the door of my room open and throw him in. "Woahh."

He falls as I close the door behind me. I spin on my heel. "Why are we doing this now?" I yell and watch him stand up. He dusted off his hoodie. "Because Y/n wanted to get it done as soon as possible."

He was calm. Too calm. I put my hand on my hip and rubbed my eyes with the other. "What if it's positive? Hmm?" His face contorts. "What if it's not?"

I look at him and groan. "Donnie. All I know is that Y/n is in there with a person that she has only just met." He looks at the ground. "As a procedure, my mom has to ask what happened. They are sitting in that room not knowing what is going to happen when it's lights out."

I slump on my bed. "To Y/n, she's scared and alone. No way in hell would they trust my mom yet." I feel the bed shift from the sudden weight. "I know."

There was a quiet groan. "Statistically speaking, in a situation like this the test is bound to be positive." I sit up and look at my best friend.

I have never seen him so shaken. Ever. "But all we can do to help right now is hope." He looks at his hands. I follow his gaze. "Hope that it doesn't turn out that way. Hope that everything can go back to normal."

He looks up at me. "And be there for her." The door opens. Donnie and I stand up and look.

Mom comes in and closes the door behind her. She sighs. "That was fast." Donnie sounds off. Mom looks up at him. "I haven't done it yet."

I flinched and raised a brow. "Haven't done- mom?" She looks at me. "I've given your friend some anaesthesia. I'm just giving her some time."

Donnie steps forward. "H-how long's the test?" Mom puts her hands in her pockets. "30 to 40 minutes. It's quick. Nothing special."

Sighs of relief seep out of Donnie and I. "She's a tough one. And, based on what I know, with or without that mystic blocker thing, their body would have given one hell of a fight."

Word count: 1061
A/n: guys... my mom is forcing me to go to the gym with her in the morning. I'm gonna die. Thank you and goodbye.

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