From the future

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Casey's pov (filler)

"NOOO!" I crash forward only to be held back by my sensei's hand. More krang dogs surround us. One of the giants bends over and stares at us.

I look at Leonardo as his tears of sorrow turn into a smile of victory. His grip tightens around my shoulder. "Casey..."

I look up at him and hear a dog jump at us. "When you're done savin' the world, do me a favour," my eyes widen as I watch the krang dog over his shoulder.

"Grab a slice!" He pushed me, making me turn and get a glimpse of him one last time. His signature smirk and his odachi by his side.

He cut the enemy in half before getting taken in by the red light. "NO!" My voice breaks, and tears run free down my face.

I lost him. I lost Y/n. I lost Michelangelo. I... lost. They won.

"Find the key, stop the krang..."

Your pov

"Y/n?" My name echoed through my head as my body fell numb. "Y/n," I hum and shake my head. I look to my right and see April.

I hum and straighten my back, earning a crack. "Study time is over sweet cheeks. We can pop off now."

I raise a brow and pull my phone out. I narrow my eyes and lazily tilt my head back to her. "It's 7:30."

She stands up and throws her computer bag over her shoulder. I follow suit and stand up. I looked around the collage library and saw that it was just us and the librarian.

I groan and drag my hand down my face. "Did you at least get all of the info that we came here for?" I ask and rub my temples.

"Yep. Now let's go." She pulled me by my arm and hauled me to the doors of the library. "Bye, Mrs Micamery!" I yell out.

I hear a silent goodbye before getting pulled through the doors into the main building. April lets go of me and puts her hands in her pockets.

April bought me to a different place. A collage instead of school. Why? No idea. I must have fallen asleep when we got there.

I remember the time and stop to groan. "What?" April called and walked back to me. "We missed the pizza match."

I squat down and hold my head in my arms. "I promised Donnie that I'd be there..." she bends over and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, gurl. It's fine. We can probably still make it."

I look up at her from my hands and sigh. "Yeah, yeah. Okay." I stand back up and roll my shoulder. I hold it as we start walking and trace the stitched through the fabric.

"How's your arm?" I look at her and shrug. "Ah, you know. Just the normal 8 stitches. Nothin' too bad." She laughed and knocked me over.

We turn around the bend and see the front door. "Bet I'll beat you to the door." She smirked. I let out a small laugh and looked at her. "I'll give you a 5-second head start."

With that, she starts bolting towards the door. I count in my head and speed my steps up with every second.

After five hits, I began sprinting. Donnie told me that I shouldn't run, but oh well. I book past April and turn to look at her. She holds up her two middle fingers.

Purple means I love you (Donnie x [demi-girl] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now